Les soldes d'été 2023 : 5ème partie
#XboxOne #XboxSeriesX #Road96 #DigixArt #PlugInDigital #SonicOriginsPlus #SonicTeam #Sega #StarOceanTheDivineForce #triAce #SquareEnix #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo
#xboxone #XboxSeriesX #Road96 #digixart #plugindigital #sonicoriginsplus #sonicteam #sega #staroceanthedivineforce #triace #squareenix #wolongfallendynasty #teamninja #koeitecmo
#wolong #wolongfallendynasty #XboxShare
Hi Mastodon, I like to take & share gaming pics and news about games that have photo modes. No post editing. I avoid spoilers and more "mature" shots. I keep my words short.
Generally shy, but using hobby to help grow in my personal interacting, sharing, and developing of my website/project (same name). Still learning Mastodon, past Twitter user.
in-game #PhotoMode
#VirtualPhotography on #Xbox
#introduction #wolongfallendynasty #photomode #virtualphotography #xbox
Ich habe jetzt #WoLongFallenDynasty abgeschlossen und es war eins der besten #Soulslikes die ich je gespielt habe! Die meisten Bosskämpfe waren hart und fordernd, die Welt und Gegner toll designed, das Kampfsystem Top und das Parieren ein tolles Feature!
Echt starkes Game👏🏻
#wolongfallendynasty #soulslikes
Kinda amazing that barely three months into 2023 I could make an argument for any of #DeadSpace #MetroidPrimeRemastered #Storyteller or #WolongFallenDynasty to be my game of the year.
Heck, take away #EldenRing and all three could have taken last year's title too.
#deadspace #metroidprimeremastered #storyteller #wolongfallendynasty #eldenring
Just in time for my Gamepass sub to expire 😅.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty felt like a simplified carbon copy of Nioh 2 and was worse for it.
Story had no flow, enemies were uninspired, combat was surprisingly shallow and the weapon/loot system was again too complex to care about.
#WoLongFallenDynasty #Gaming #Gamer #Videogames #ShareYourGames #AchievementHunter #PlatinumTrophy
#wolongfallendynasty #gaming #gamer #videogames #shareyourgames #achievementhunter #platinumtrophy
Whether you’re a fan of action, strategy, horror, or adventure, Boosteroid has something for everyone.
Check out all the latest auditions here: https://clouddosage.com/wo-long-fallen-dynasty-arrives-on-boosteroid-alongside-5-other-games/
#CloudGaming #Boosteroid #WoLongFallenDynasty #Videogames #Gaming
#cloudgaming #boosteroid #wolongfallendynasty #videogames #gaming
Some initial thoughts on Wo Long Fallen Dynasty
1. Terrible first boss that makes you think the game will be hard but in fact gets astronomically easier
2. Basically a simplified Nioh again right down to the simplified storyline that has no flow, rhyme or reason
3. Combat is too fast at times and makes it difficult to follow or read movements, especially when the camera snags against walls... But nothing button mashing won't fix.
#wolongfallendynasty #Gamer #Gaming #Videogames #ShareYourGames
#wolongfallendynasty #gamer #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames
True to form for any game with a character creator, this took all day 😅
And I'm very pleased 😍
TeamNinja have the best character creators, hands down.
#wolongfallendynasty #gamer #gaming #videogames #ShareYourGames
#wolongfallendynasty #gamer #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames
Well look at that, I done gone and finished #WolongFallenDynasty
Really solid entry into the genre and one that you should absolutely give a look, especially because it's on Gamepass. The first boss is hard, but once you figure out that DEFLECTING IS EVERYTHING! the game really falls into place.
Definitely a contender for my Game of the Year.
#wolongfallendynasty #shareyourgames #gaming #videogames
I've had this 'dragon' guy on the ropes three or four times now, but the in-game camera has totally screwed me over each time, resulting in a miss deflect which has ultimately killed me.
If the enemy is that large, and moves that quickly, and the camera struggles to keep up? It isn't difficult, it's just kind of broken.
First time invading in #WoLongFallenDynasty
#WoLong #WoLongPS #gaming
#wolongfallendynasty #wolong #wolongps #gaming
https://open.spotify.com/album/5FyR77fNcgHA4SeNrdEJ7t #NowAdded #GamingSetList #ゲームセットリスト 🎧🎮🎻 #Gaming #GameAudio #GameMusic #WoLongFallenDynasty #ウォーロンフォールンダイナスティ #Spotify
#spotify #ウォーロンフォールンダイナスティ #wolongfallendynasty #gamemusic #gameaudio #gaming #ゲームセットリスト #GamingSetList #nowadded
I've spent most of the day playing #WolongFallenDynasty and I've got to say that the more I play it, the more I come to appreciate what it's offering.
I still think it lacks polish (why I can't preview gear I'm about to customise I do not know), but the core loop is so fun it more than makes up for it.
I'm quickly approaching the end game, and when I eventually beat it, I'll be sad to see it go.
7 / 10
- 优秀的美术风格,魔化的武将设计很有感觉(最后最有感觉的居然是文丑的河间煞星套装)
- 化天化地化一切的化解系统非常爽快,攻击化解都会增加气势槽,正反馈十足
- 用“丹药”和最终反派于吉串起了整个改编故事,有新意而且没有特别严重的逻辑硬伤。历史中该死去的人物,比较反派的直接被主角手刃,比较正派的被于吉魔化再被主角手刃,或者直接被于吉手刃。没有什么特别亮眼的地方(不要期待火凤燎原的剧情)
- 主题曲和天柱山的音乐很好听
- 一些令人印象深刻的boss - 张梁、吕布、孙坚、魔化刘备
- 制作组在正式版删除了旌旗的习字选项导致我全程以刁代习(
- 非常短的流程,如果只推主线的话可能二十个小时就可以通关
- 极其匮乏的怪物种类,到游戏中前期的虎牢关关卡时玩家已经见识到了游戏中所有的怪物种类,极大地影响到了后期推图的乐趣。在你化解第一个朝你滚过来的火鼠时可能还有乐趣,在化解第一百个翻滚两次的大火鼠的时候就只剩下无聊了。到后期凭肌肉记忆就能化解绝大多数怪的攻击(伥鬼五连抓,锤哥三连锤,水鬼大甩尾)(有意思的是游戏最后一个支线卧龙试炼,玩家会在十分钟之内把游戏所有的怪物击败一次)
- 因为防具也需要强化,总计四件消耗的材料比武器大得多,导致全程最优的装备只有一套。玩家没有机会切换装备以搭配武器而尝试多种武器的招式
- 前半段的关卡设计可圈可点,后段的设计颜色饱和度太高眼睛要瞎了,火烧洛阳一片红,水淹下邳一片白快得雪盲了。后期推图体验非常一般,一是怪物已经没有新意了,再加上拾取的装备/道具对玩家的帮助非常有限
- 不带察觉旌旗词条的话,找旗子对于强迫症真的很痛苦
#霍勒斯客观公正游戏评测 #gaming #wolongfallendynasty
7 / 10
- 优秀的美术风格,魔化的武将设计很有感觉(最后最有感觉的居然是文丑的河间煞星套装)
- 化天化地化一切的化解系统非常爽快,攻击化解都会增加气势槽,正反馈十足
- 用“丹药”和最终反派于吉串起了整个改编故事,有新意而且没有特别严重的逻辑硬伤。历史中该死去的人物,比较反派的直接被主角手刃,比较正派的被于吉魔化再被主角手刃,或者直接被于吉手刃。没有什么特别亮眼的地方(不要期待火凤燎原的剧情)
- 主题曲和天柱山的音乐很好听
- 一些令人印象深刻的boss - 张梁、吕布、孙坚、魔化刘备
- 制作组在正式版删除了旌旗的习字选项导致我全程以刁代习(
- 非常短的流程,如果只推主线的话可能二十个小时就可以通关
- 极其匮乏的怪物种类,到游戏中前期的虎牢关关卡时玩家已经见识到了游戏中所有的怪物种类,极大地影响到了后期推图的乐趣。在你化解第一个朝你滚过来的火鼠时可能还有乐趣,在化解第一百个翻滚两次的大火鼠的时候就只剩下无聊了。到后期凭肌肉记忆就能化解绝大多数怪的攻击(伥鬼五连抓,锤哥三连锤,水鬼大甩尾)(有意思的是游戏最后一个支线卧龙试炼,玩家会在十分钟之内把游戏所有的怪物击败一次)
- 因为防具也需要强化,总计四件消耗的材料比武器大得多,导致全程最优的装备只有一套。玩家没有机会切换装备以搭配武器而尝试多种武器的招式
- 前半段的关卡设计可圈可点,后段的设计颜色饱和度太高眼睛要瞎了,火烧洛阳一片红,水淹下邳一片白快得雪盲了。后期推图体验非常一般,一是怪物已经没有新意了,再加上拾取的装备/道具对玩家的帮助非常有限
- 不带察觉旌旗词条的话,找旗子对于强迫症真的很痛苦
#霍勒斯客观公正游戏评测 #gaming #wolongfallendynasty
7 / 10
- 优秀的美术风格,魔化的武将设计很有感觉(最后最有感觉的居然是文丑的河间煞星套装)
- 化天化地化一切的化解系统非常爽快,攻击化解都会增加气势槽,正反馈十足
- 用“丹药”和最终反派于吉串起了整个改编故事,有新意而且没有特别严重的逻辑硬伤。历史中该死去的人物,比较反派的直接被主角手刃,比较正派的被于吉魔化再被主角手刃,或者直接被于吉手刃。没有什么特别亮眼的地方(不要期待火凤燎原的剧情)
- 主题曲和天柱山的音乐很好听
- 一些令人印象深刻的boss - 张梁、吕布、孙坚、魔化刘备
- 制作组在正式版删除了旌旗的习字选项导致我全程以刁代习(
- 非常短的流程,如果只推主线的话可能二十个小时就可以通关
- 极其匮乏的怪物种类,到游戏中前期的虎牢关关卡时玩家已经见识到了游戏中所有的怪物种类,极大地影响到了后期推图的乐趣。在你化解第一个朝你滚过来的火鼠时可能还有乐趣,在化解第一百个翻滚两次的大火鼠的时候就只剩下无聊了。到后期凭肌肉记忆就能化解绝大多数怪的攻击(伥鬼五连抓,锤哥三连锤,水鬼大甩尾)(有意思的是游戏最后一个支线卧龙试炼,玩家会在十分钟之内把游戏所有的怪物击败一次)
- 因为防具也需要强化,总计四件消耗的材料比武器大得多,导致全程最优的装备只有一套。玩家没有机会切换装备以搭配武器而尝试多种武器的招式
- 前半段的关卡设计可圈可点,后段的设计颜色饱和度太高眼睛要瞎了,火烧洛阳一片红,水淹下邳一片白快得雪盲了。后期推图体验非常一般,一是怪物已经没有新意了,再加上拾取的装备/道具对玩家的帮助非常有限
- 不带察觉旌旗词条的话,找旗子对于强迫症真的很痛苦
#霍勒斯客观公正游戏评测 #gaming #wolongfallendynasty
Top 10 produktów generujących największe przychody na #Steam w ostatnim tygodniu (06.03-12.03).
#sonsoftheforest dalej na szczycie, ale już goni go powoli #WoLongFallenDynasty.
#steam #SonsoftheForest #wolongfallendynasty #giereczkowo
Okay I'm gonna say it. I think #WolongFallenDynasty ends up being in the conversation as my personal favourite game of the year. The more I play it, the more I grow to enjoy it. It's a long way from perfect, but if you can forgive the games more.... annoying issues there's so much fun to be had here.
Okay that's Lu Bu 'dispatched'.
Switched my build up so that I'm now heavily using Lightning magic. It allowed me to do some pretty not inconsequential damage to him when he was taking shots with his own ranged weaponry.