Zackstarkid · @Zackstarkid
41 followers · 129 posts · Server
Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1498 followers · 13397 posts · Server

"How did someone like you produce a child who thinks so very, very much?" (also me, to my parents)

And that last 👏🏿

is well-written and , with a lot of really great .

The covers of , , , , and more using serious and that's still too rare in .

I strongly recommend this .

#thecriterionchannel #movie #cinema #black #dialogue #intellectual #adult #cultures #Race #patriarchy #womanhood #issues #Film #shots #Acted #losingground #scene

Last updated 1 year ago

Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2250 followers · 8391 posts · Server

@AlwaysAutumn Discreetly let the person know that it's not a nice thing to say to a trans woman, as it wrongly implies:

1. We weren't always women.
2. That we've only become women by transitioning.

Or link them to the Marvel comic where a trans heroine says these things:

#transwoman #trans #transgender #transfem #transition #marvelvoicespride #Marvel #womanhood

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear 🌈♀ · @MsDropbear
189 followers · 729 posts · Server

Prolly unpopular opinion, herein.

In several countries, including but not only Straya & Merka, over recent years but intensively now in recent months, seem to have become a common "face" to symbolise & represent the broad / umbrella "community". I wish this were not so.

Undeniably are a vital, valid & vivacious part of the larger community, & as such, seem eminently suitable as prominent representations for occasions like , , & similar. More power to their manicured & lacquered hands!

Yet, essentially, are not peeps, they're guys. At the end of the day, once they eventually remove their makeup wigs shoes sparkly dresses, they're guys blokes dudes. They're males who like being males, & far from aspiring to be able to into full permanent , would actually be horrified & appalled if someone were to offer to help them "lose their junk".

Rather than being a prominent highly visible OTT representation of the community [by which, the Great Unwashed of the Strayan / Merkan / everywhere public form an entirely incorrect view of what it is to be ], i really wish that simple everyday ordinary could be "the face".

Ofc, that's never gonna happen, for several likely reasons, but the prominent one being... the absolute dreaded antithesis of desired outcomes for "simple everyday ordinary " is to be political, to be figureheads, to be in the public glare as symbols & icons. So a vacuum is left, & as nature abhors a vacuum, up gleefully step our beloved but non-representative ... ergo, a brilliantly sequinned spotlight target of hatred for all the mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging & everywhere.

Sigh. It ain't easy, being...

#dragqueens #trans #transgender #lgbtqi #pride #mardigras #carnival #gay #transition #womanhood #transwomen #rwnj #transphobes #homophobes

Last updated 1 year ago

Jorge ☕️ · @rjmourinha
112 followers · 1192 posts · Server

Film of the day: SAINT OMER (dir Alice Diop, 2022) The invisible woman: deceptively simple yet intensely absorbing subversion of the courtroom drama through the use of words and silences, exploring the way society looks at the other with compassion and openness.

#drama #courtroom #immigration #womanhood #motherhood #crime #frenchcinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
541 followers · 22948 posts · Server

I hope y’all understand the apparent here and how black are being expected to conform to the standards of white in order to be actually classified as women


#racism #women #womanhood #transphobia #misogyny

Last updated 2 years ago

Michele · @Shells
420 followers · 2244 posts · Server
Alun Kirby · @cyanotype
455 followers · 333 posts · Server
Danielle · @violetathena
233 followers · 322 posts · Server

What if the was good, actually:


An individual interpreting their being-in-the-world by engaging with physiological, social, and existential aspects of in relation to the phenomenon of as it emerges within human society.

#dictionary #woman #gender #womanhood #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

Edit Kalman · @aweseomephotography
4 followers · 32 posts · Server
Prism & Pen · @prismnpen
82 followers · 283 posts · Server

There is and always has been something strange about being asked to define my womanhood by others who I am sure could not define their own. The idea that womanhood is and can only be one way for all women, not only strips away the concept of individuality but also forces the performative femininity that cis women only accuse non cis women of participating in.

#lgbtq #transgender #womanhood #women #society

Last updated 2 years ago

thinkStory · @thinkStory
368 followers · 1652 posts · Server

Really have to recommend (). Intense vignettes and I can only watch one at a time, but very illuminating about different aspects of modern . Incredible cast. Watch and discuss with your .

"Based on a book of short stories by , this genre-bending anthology series weaves together 8 darkly comedic fables that take unexpected approaches to subjects like roles, autonomy and ."


#roar #appletv #womanhood #bff #ceceliaahern #feminist #gender #identity #tvreview #feminism

Last updated 2 years ago

Callum (he/him) · @Physicist
356 followers · 220 posts · Server

Your subjective notion of what it means to be a woman is dismissive of huge numbers of women who simply aren't "woman enough" for you.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and characteristics - and its not your, nor my, place to define what they should or should not look like, act like, behave like nor whether their internal biology is 'good enough' for you.


#womanhood #equality #IntersectionalFeminism

Last updated 2 years ago

Happy if you are female an would like a safe space to meet, chat and get advise from other females then is for you

#womanlife #womanhood #woman #females #thursday

Last updated 2 years ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
119 followers · 735 posts · Server

On how to be a woman

How the missing sindoor in my hair provoked unwelcome attention from a complete stranger.

#archives #patriarchy #Hinduism #womanhood #womensrights #religion #brahminism #india

Last updated 2 years ago

Hyperallergic · @hyperallergic
1298 followers · 190 posts · Server
Aucraptor · @Elenyafinwe
193 followers · 253 posts · Server

A lot of rethoric evolves around the "purity" of , achieved by talking down on anything . This goes as far as writing womyn instead of women, which is simply childish and ridiculous. 

Like, this whole goldstar bullshit. It imagines a gay hierarchy, that simply does not exist. “I am a goldstar lesbian, meaning I am better than you, who has slept with males.” It “upholds” lesbians, who have never slept with just one single man in their lives. As if you were unworthy of the label lesbian, if you had sex with a man, and aren’t really a lesbian, if you did, or, gods be good, even enjoyed it!

TERFs seem to be absurdly affraid of and are obsessed with the purity of femininity. Without reason! There is nothing in masculinity that is inherently fightening. Women can be perpetrators as much as men. TERFs are the best example of it. A lot boils down to socialization and a government that has failed to protect their citicens. But it’s not men alone, who are the bad ones. The overwhelming majoritiy of TERFs are white cis women, right after white cis men one of the most privileged groups in the world.

@trans @transrights

#terf #womanhood #masculine #lesbian #masculinity #trans #transgender #transrights #gender #genderqueer

Last updated 2 years ago

Edit Kalman · @aweseomephotography
5 followers · 16 posts · Server
Sibylle · @sibylle
455 followers · 220 posts · Server

Deutsch im Kommentar.
I'm quite sure it is finished now. My interpretation of and the in . I tryed to implement some symbols of to , as this is an initiation tale, featuring the cycle of the trinity of the mother godess.
Inspired by the embroidery project of @deswasralph

#littleredridinghood #wolf #ink #initiaton #womanhood #art #myart

Last updated 2 years ago

Sibylle · @sibylle
455 followers · 220 posts · Server

Deutsch im Kommentar.
I'm quite sure it is finished now. My interpretation of and the in . I tryed to implement some symbols of to , as this is an initiation tale, featuring the cycle of the trinity of the mother godess.
Inspired by the embroidery project of @deswasralph

#littleredridinghood #wolf #ink #initiaton #womanhood

Last updated 2 years ago