While everyone is focused on #AI #ChatGPT and all the sausage making arguments - this is worthy of scrutiny - #SyntheticEmbryos have been implanted into #monkey #wombs. #Embryos made from #stemcells, rather than an e#gg and #sperm, appear to generate a short-lived #pregnancy-like response in monkeys. https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/06/1071112/synthetic-embryos-have-been-implanted-into-monkey-wombs/
#ai #chatgpt #syntheticembryos #monkey #wombs #embryos #stemcells #sperm #pregnancy
When Does Life Begin?
#Life #ProLife #ProChoice #Choice #ChooseLife #Conception #Birth #BirthControl #Baby #Babies #Mothers #Mother #Fathers #Father #Parent #Parents #Wombs #Womb #Fetus #Uterus #Fetuses #Uteruses #Children #Child #ChildWelfare #ChildSupport #WomenRightsAreHumanRights #Abortion #AbortionRights #Women #WomensRights #Woman #Man #Men #Coffee #ReproductiveRights #ReproductiveHealth #Healthcare #Sex #Intercourse #ItsABoy #ItsAGirl #Penis #Vagina #Fornication #Sexuality
#Mastodon #life #prolife #prochoice #choice #chooselife #conception #birth #birthcontrol #baby #babies #mothers #mother #fathers #father #parent #parents #wombs #womb #fetus #uterus #fetuses #uteruses #children #child #childwelfare #childsupport #womenrightsarehumanrights #abortion #abortionrights #women #womensrights #woman #man #men #Coffee #reproductiverights #reproductivehealth #healthcare #sex #intercourse #itsaboy #itsagirl #penis #vagina #fornication #sexuality
When Does Life Begin?
#Life #ProLife #ProChoice #Choice #ChooseLife #Conception #Birth #BirthControl #Baby #Babies #Mothers #Mother #Fathers #Father #Parent #Parents #Wombs #Womb #Fetus #Uterus #Fetuses #Uteruses #Children #Child #ChildWelfare #ChildSupport #WomenRightsAreHumanRights #Abortion #AbortionRights #Women #WomensRights #Woman #Man #Men #Coffee #ReproductiveRights #ReproductiveHealth #Healthcare #Sex #Intercourse #ItsABoy #ItsAGirl #Penis #Vagina #Fornication #Sexuality
#Mastodon #life #prolife #prochoice #choice #chooselife #conception #birth #birthcontrol #baby #babies #mothers #mother #fathers #father #parent #parents #wombs #womb #fetus #uterus #fetuses #uteruses #children #child #childwelfare #childsupport #womenrightsarehumanrights #abortion #abortionrights #women #womensrights #woman #man #men #Coffee #reproductiverights #reproductivehealth #healthcare #sex #intercourse #itsaboy #itsagirl #penis #vagina #fornication #sexuality
Could BIRTHING PODS solve Elon Musk's fears of a population collapse? Scientist unveils creepy concept video of human farms with hundreds of transparent artificial wombs that replicate a mother's uterus.
🇳🇱 Dutch article (use button for other languages) https://www.frontnieuws.com/als-ze-de-kans-krijgen-zullen-ze-onze-samenleving-veranderen-in-een-dystopische-hel/
Als de elite haar zin krijgt, zal onze wereld er uiteindelijk veel bizarder uitzien dan een sciencefictionauteur zich ooit heeft voorgesteld. Als u het nog niet doorhad, de elite zijn controlefreaks, en zij zien een toekomst voor zich waarin zij de controle hebben over al onze levens, van geboorte tot dood. In plaats van op de traditionele manier te worden geboren en opgevoed, zullen mensen in massa worden geproduceerd in “geboortecapsules”.
🇺🇸 Original article https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/if-they-get-the-opportunity-they-will-transform-our-society-into-a-dystopian-hellscape
#artificial #wombs
Could BIRTHING PODS solve Elon Musk's fears of a population collapse? Scientist unveils creepy concept video of human farms with hundreds of transparent artificial wombs that replicate a mother's uterus.
🇳🇱 Dutch article (use button for other languages) https://www.frontnieuws.com/als-ze-de-kans-krijgen-zullen-ze-onze-samenleving-veranderen-in-een-dystopische-hel/
Als de elite haar zin krijgt, zal onze wereld er uiteindelijk veel bizarder uitzien dan een sciencefictionauteur zich ooit heeft voorgesteld. Als u het nog niet doorhad, de elite zijn controlefreaks, en zij zien een toekomst voor zich waarin zij de controle hebben over al onze levens, van geboorte tot dood. In plaats van op de traditionele manier te worden geboren en opgevoed, zullen mensen in massa worden geproduceerd in “geboortecapsules”.
🇺🇸 Original article https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/if-they-get-the-opportunity-they-will-transform-our-society-into-a-dystopian-hellscape
#artificial #wombs
EctoLife Artificial Wombs
A new concept video takes viewers on tour through The EctoLife Artificial Womb Facility, where hundreds of fetuses sit in transparent pods that are temperature controlled and feature an umbilical cord to receive oxygen and nutrients.
Hashem Al-Ghaili, a film producer and biotechnologist, created the life-like film to start a conversation about such technologies that would allow women who had their uterus removed to give birth, reduce premature births and combat population declines.
EctoLife Artificial Wombs
A new concept video takes viewers on tour through The EctoLife Artificial Womb Facility, where hundreds of fetuses sit in transparent pods that are temperature controlled and feature an umbilical cord to receive oxygen and nutrients.
Hashem Al-Ghaili, a film producer and biotechnologist, created the life-like film to start a conversation about such technologies that would allow women who had their uterus removed to give birth, reduce premature births and combat population declines.