When trusted government agencies share information on their websites—like pollution reports, patents, or vaccine reactions—how trustworthy is it? Depressingly often, not very!
Thrilled to review Janet Freilich's excellent piece, Government Misinformation Platforms, in JOTWELL (the Journal of Things We Like Lots!) today:
#lawfedi #jotwell #academia #misinformation #womenalsoknowlaw #law #patents
#lawfedi #jotwell #academia #misinformation #womenalsoknowlaw #law #patents
I just love it when former students get published. Congrats to Alaina Richert for publishing her note, "Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Homelessness Post-Bostock" in the @MichiganLaw_JLR!
https://repository.law.umich.edu/mjlr/ #WomenAlsoKnowLaw
SUPER EXCITED for @rosesomm!
(and to have #WomenAlsoKnowLaw back in my feed since @UMichLaw's winter semester has started!)
RT @womenknowlaw
Join us in giving a HUGE round of applause to @UMichLaw’s very own Prof. @rosesomm, whose research on the psychology of compliance was cited by a dissent written by Justice Goodwin Liu of the CA Supreme Court!!! 👏👏👏
Please learn about this case. Sign the petition and be part of making changes together. This is beyond comprehension how the system fails women of physical and sexual abuse. A man can kill a child because he is wearing a hoodie but a woman defending herself after years of known horrible abuse cannot defend herself.
#womenalsoknowlaw #womenincongress #domesticabuse #womenhealthcare #women
RT @womenknowlaw@twitter.com
We’re loving the latest from @UCLALawReview@twitter.com! Check out Prof. Sunita Patel’s (@ProfSPatel@twitter.com) piece, “Embedded Healthcare Policing”: https://buff.ly/3Wygv7l
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/womenknowlaw/status/1603095036274655243
RT @womenknowlaw@twitter.com
In the mood for a podcast? Professor @evelyndouek@twitter.com (@StanfordLaw@twitter.com) moderates a discussion on Twitter’s data privacy problems and what they say about privacy regulation generally here:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/womenknowlaw/status/1597320686619414528