@stavvers same reason they pay teachers like crap. Because they are predominantly women and will be supported by their men. #PureBS #SexismAtWork #WomenDeserveBetter
#purebs #sexismatwork #womendeservebetter
I'm appalled that anyone would refer to the #RoeVWade era as a "holocaust." It's a disgraceful attempt to politicize a sensitive issue. This proposed monument is an affront to the many women who fought for their rights during this era. #WomenDeserveBetter #DefendRoeVWade #StandWithWomen https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/g5yx47/arkansas-republicans-monument-to-unborn-children
#roevwade #womendeservebetter #defendroevwade #standwithwomen
Today I will continue my season long and beginning of lifetime boycott of the NFL. Too often players and coaches to abhorrent things and get off Scott free or with minor consequences. There’s a good woman’s college basketball game today between SC and LSU. Also making pizza in the backyard oven. #NFLSucks #BoycottTheNFL #WomenDeserveBetter
#nflsucks #boycottthenfl #womendeservebetter