✨Nouvel artiiiiiicle (bis 😁 et en anglais) !! ♥️✨
Je vous emmène cette fois en Argentine en 1960, avec la psychanalyste Luisa Gambier de Álvarez de Toledo, qui part notamment dans la jungle amazonienne expérimenter l’ayahuasca… Elle est l’une des premières scientifiques occidentales à en documenter l’expérience ! 💪👩🔬
#histmed #psychedelics #ayahuasca #womenhistory #mastomed #histodons
#histmed #psychedelics #ayahuasca #womenhistory #mastomed #histodons
Today in 1903, Emily Stowe died. Born in 1831, she was the 1st female physician to practice in Canada & the 2nd licensed female physician in Canada.
As well, she helped found the women's suffrage movement in Canada & campaigned for Canada's first women's medical college.
#womenhistory #womensrights #canada #history #canadian
One of friends from undergrad posted this on his FB account, reposted here for #DoctorsDay & #womenhistory month.
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers is a winner of the #2023DanDavidPrize. She specializes in African-American history, women’s and gender history, and the history of American slavery. Find out more in this thread.
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #blackhistory #womenhistory
This is the most glorious achievement of the democrap party
Trans Rights are the real women rights.
#women #womenrights #womenhistory
#women #womenhistory #womenintech #womeninstem #womenrights
Rewriting history in the name of equality
#women #womenhistory #womenintech #womeninstem #womenrights
I’d like to recognize Cheryl and Donna at the Malden Senior Center who are committed to keeping it a viable and rich resource.
They are making a positive impact on my life.⭐️
🎉Let’s celebrate the women in our lives throughout the year, not just in March.
#womenempowement #womenrights #womenhistory #leadership #teamwork #communityfirst #mentor #boston #equity #diversity #inclusion #seniorhealth #seniorcare #photo
#photo #Seniorcare #seniorhealth #inclusion #diversity #equity #boston #mentor #communityfirst #teamwork #leadership #womenhistory #womenrights #womenempowement #womenshistorymonth
#podcast #histodon #WWII #womenhistory Mourir à 22 ans : Irma Grese, la hyène d’Auschwitz
#podcast #histodon #wwii #womenhistory
Try #womensart or #womenhistory or any other hashtag connected with that, maybe.
"plus de 10 000 volumes et plusieurs milliers de brochures. Cette bibliothèque offre un intérêt primordial, par le caractère souvent unique des pièces qu'elle comporte, pour l'étude et le développement du mouvement féministe"
Descriptif du don de la #bibliothèque #MargueriteDurand à la ville de #Paris (1932)
Voir sur #Gallica https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6453748q/f13.item (réf rajoutée sur #Wikipédia #1lib1ref)
#womenhistory #histoire #feminisme #1lib1ref #wikipedia #gallica #paris #margueritedurand #bibliotheque #UnjourUneArchive
RT @Liekevdeinsen@twitter.com
Spread the word! The WWiH-group (Women Writers in History) seeks contributions for an existing new peer-reviewed volume on "Digital Approaches to Historical Women's Book Culture". Proposal deadline: March 1st 2023. #bookhistory #herbook #womenhistory #history #twitterstorians
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Liekevdeinsen/status/1616018028042358784
#bookhistory #herbook #womenhistory #history #twitterstorians
#OnThisDay #CeJourLà en 1893 à #Nantes
"Ce matin, 16 janvier courant, à 8 heures, une centaine d’ouvrières de la corderie Loyant-Péan, sise à Nantes, chemin de la Miséricorde, ont quitté l’atelier déclarant qu’elles se mettaient en grève.”
Première de la quarantaine de grève qui auront lieu à Nantes dans l'année...
La suite sur @FactGrid
#strike #riot #GrèveGénėrale #anarchosyndicalist #history #UnJourUneArchive #19esiecle #socialhistory #womenhistory
#womenhistory #socialhistory #19esiecle #UnjourUneArchive #history #anarchosyndicalist #grevegenerale #riot #strike #nantes #cejourla #onthisday
Today in 2000, Beverley McLachlin becomes the first woman to serve as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. Born in Pincher Creek, Alberta, she becomes the longest-serving justice in Canadian history, serving until 2017.
#WOmenhistory #Womensrights #supremecourt #Canada #History #Histodon #Histodons
#womenhistory #womensrights #supremecourt #canada #history #histodon #histodons
@BarbaraEdwards I went to US schools and some Uni (as well as in #Ireland to post grad level) &depending on US constituency gerrymanders NO #BlackHistory or #WomenHistory was taught. ONLY #History from folks in power. Similar to #Ireland's neglect of last 100 years history. It's why I made the doc series #NoCountryForWomen. If we don't know inequalities currently or in history, we can't really know how to best vote to make life better for all. #Democracy ain't perfect, but its at least a try...
#ireland #blackhistory #womenhistory #history #nocountryforwomen #democracy
Archduchess Maria Leopoldine of Austria-Este was born #OnThisDay 10.12. in 1776. This granddaughter of Maria Theresia was married to Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria. He was 52 years her senior and wanted an heir. She refused to fulfill her marital duties.
#history #Royals #otd #royalhistory #bavaria #womenhistory @royalhistory #myart #myartwork
#onthisday #history #royals #otd #royalhistory #bavaria #womenhistory #myart #myartwork
Listening to @FeministKelly Unsung History podcast and especially the episode about chef Lena Richard's story left me deeply touched, inspired and euphoric. If I wasn't already a food historian, I would have become one at this point 🤯
#FoodHistory #Herstory #UnsungHistory #FoodStudies #WomenHistory #BlackHistory
#blackhistory #womenhistory #foodstudies #unsunghistory #herstory #foodhistory
Listening to @FeministKelly Unsung History podcast and especially the episode about chef Lena Richard's story left me deeply touched, inspired and euphoric. If I wasn't already a food historian, I would have become one at this point 🤯
#FoodHistory #Herstory #UnsungHistory #FoodStudies #WomenHistory #BlackHistory
#blackhistory #womenhistory #foodstudies #unsunghistory #herstory #foodhistory
@cardamomaddict Fascinating, how well known is Jehane Benoît outside Canada? She seems rather unknown in Europe compared to Julia Child. Whereby I would like to add that despite the film and a current Netflix documentary, Julia Child's fame here is probably also limited to the foodie scene 🤷🏼♀️
I was also tooting yesterday about what single issues looked like, they are rare and most volumes of the Lady’s Magazine and most periodicals from the c18th century are in annual, bound form. Anyway, I own a couple and this is my prized possession, from 1816, complete with ads on the wrappers (the back, which you can’t see advertises Minerva Press novels of the kind Northanger Abbey plays about with) and a lovely Muslim shirt pattern. #periodicals #womenhistory #bookhistory
#periodicals #womenhistory #bookhistory
@nassiraelmoaddem pour continuer sur #GiseleHalimi, le magnifique fonds d'#archives donné par ses fils aux #Archivesnatfr en juillet 2021 est désormais inventorié et consultable : https://www.siv.archives-nationales.culture.gouv.fr/siv/IR/FRAN_IR_059733
#womenhistory #guerredAlgerie #histodon #histoire
#histoire #histodon #GuerredAlgerie #womenhistory #Archivesnatfr #archives #GiseleHalimi