📊 New to the world of #statistics?
Watch the interview with Michela Carlotta Massi, postdoc at our Health #DataScience Centre, who shares her journey in crafting new statistical approaches for precision #medicine
#science #sciencemastodon #stem #womeninstem #humantechnopole #lifesciences
#statistics #datascience #medicine #Science #sciencemastodon #STEM #womeninSTEM #humantechnopole #lifesciences
Congratulations to Patty Rothe (lab of Clemens Plaschka) and Monika Heinzl (lab of Alexander Stark) on being awarded Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds fellowships. These competitive fellowships are a great achievement for our two PhD students, well done!
Full story: https://www.imp.ac.at/news/article/competitive-bif-fellowships-for-two-imp-phd-students #WomeninSTEM #phdlife
RT @: Deadline Sept 30th!
Call for papers @JProteomeRes Special Issue
"Women in #proteomics and #metabolomics"
@FemalesInMS #WomenInSTEM @AmerChemSociety #Teammassspec
#proteomics #metabolomics #womeninSTEM #TeamMassSpec
Seems about time to listen to women. 🤔 Actually, it's past time:
"Eunice Newton Foote, American scientist and suffragist, was born #OTD, 1819. In 1856 she suggested that greater amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere would increase Earth’s temperature. #CimateChange #WomenInSTEM https://paleonerdish.wordpress.com/2022/03/07/eunice-foote-climate-change-and-the-matilda-effect/"
via @Ferwen
https://mastodon.online/@Ferwen/110729683615855711 h/t @mlmartens #WomensOpportunities
#otd #cimatechange #womeninSTEM #womensopportunities
🧵Lots of inspiring science #WarwickUni over the last two days! ✨
Iva Tolić reminding us of the beauty of self-organising systems across scales in #biology and motivating us to continue in our efforts to understand them 👩🔬 #womeninSTEM
#WarwickUni #biology #womeninSTEM
"Fantastic new StoryMap released by @airandspacemuseum !!
Explore the contributions of #womenInSTEM, past and present, from every U.S. state and territory, and get inspired to #ShineLikeSally "
📢New on the Node
In this blog post, our correspondent
Dina Myasnikova talks about her experience as a women researcher in Japan, and how she found support from like-minded people by joining 'Women in Science Japan':
#thenodecorrespondents #womeninSTEM
It's no coincidence that teaching staff in the #SFU Department of Physics are receiving accolades for their work. Learn how a culture of collaboration, mentorship and celebration is contributing to teaching excellence at
#SFUPhysics: https://www.sfu.ca/vpacademic/learnteach/stories/physics-teaching-awards-galore.html #sfuscience #womeninscience #womeninstem
#sfu #sfuphysics #sfuscience #womeninscience #womeninSTEM
In February, I started my PhD position at NIOZ with focus on "Sedimentary burial and recycling of nutrients into and within the Norwegian Trench". Soon, our ship will depart for the expedition. I am so excited.
Check out #NoSE for more
#niozsearearch #womeninSTEM #Biogeochemistry #Oceanography
#nose #niozsearearch #womeninSTEM #biogeochemistry #oceanography
🚀👩🏾🚀¿Conoces a Katya Echazarreta? Es ingeniera eléctrica y divulgadora científica.
Se ha convertido en la primera mexicana en viajar al espacio y la mujer más joven en hacerlo.
¡Enhorabuena! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
#mujeresenciencia #womeninscience #scicomm #womeninSTEM
RT @AHEADmeeting_
Enough with the bias! At #AHEAD, Dr Marian Berihuete will talk about the misrepresentation of #women in #prehistory and its impact on how we perceive gender roles!
Info at https://ahead-meeting.org/portfolio-item/seminar-women/
#HumanEvolution #BioAnth #BioArch #WomenInSTEM #STEM #AcademicTwitter #PhDVoice
#ahead #women #prehistory #Humanevolution #bioanth #bioarch #womeninSTEM #STEM #academictwitter #phdvoice
Annie Easley, born #OTD in 1933, began her career at the NACA as a “human computer,” performing complex calculations. When machines began to replace human computers, Easley adapted, becoming an expert computer programmer.
More on her years at @NASAglenn: https://go.nasa.gov/3A4L9fj
v @nasa
#otd #NASAhistory #nasa #stem #womeninSTEM #womensopportunities
Awesome evidence about special role of women's colleges!
RT @OlgaShurchkov
Nice paper identifying the positive impact of attending a women’s college on receiving an economics degree by colleagues in the @WellesleyEcon @Wellesley #EconTwitter #gendergaps #WomeninSTEM https://www.nber.org/papers/w31144
#econtwitter #gendergaps #womeninSTEM
RT @Masschelein_Lab
⚠️Exciting opportunity for a #FacultyPosition in our Center & Department!
- Generous startup package
- Yearly research endowment
- Great & supportive atmosphere
- State-of-the-art infrastructure
- Full salary
#AcademicJobs #WomenInSTEM https://twitter.com/VIB_microbes/status/1642894518893821952
#facultyposition #microbialmetabolomics #academicjobs #womeninSTEM
Gender analyses by Clarivate / ISI show that men collaborate more and get cited more than do women, all other things being equal, says Gali Halevi. #WomenInSTEM #GenderEquity #GenderGap #Clarivate #UKSG2023
#womeninSTEM #GenderEquity #gendergap #clarivate #uksg2023
👩🏽🔬👩🏽💻👩⚕️¿Con qué científica te identificas? Con este quiz creado por Ciencia Literata puedes descubrir con quien “haces match”. 😉
#científicas #WomenInScience #ScienceMastodon #womeninSTEM #scicomm
#cientificas #womeninscience #sciencemastodon #womeninSTEM #scicomm
@clathrin watch this space! More initiatives to support #ECR progression in #academia are in development. They stemmed from the success of the Ambassadors For Better Research Culture #internatiomalwomensday panel discussion and the passion of the participants to help with the retention and progression of ECRs in academia, particularly #womeninSTEM. The data featured in both events show that there is still lots of work to do 💪👩🔬🧗📈
#ECR #academia #internatiomalwomensday #womeninSTEM
You guys, I am the first Dr. Shanovich, PhD EVER. 😭
My family is so excited y'all have no idea!
#EasternEuropeanInSTEM #croatian #WomenInSTEM #phdvoice #phdchat #firstgen
RT @Amelia_Lindsey
The BIGGEST congrats to the freshly minted DOCTOR @hshanovich!!!! Hailey has already published several of her dissertation chapters on pests of hazelnut (and there are more in the pipeline!) — you can read about all the cool things she’s do…
#easterneuropeaninstem #croatian #womeninSTEM #phdvoice #phdchat #FirstGen
A new European Science Editing original article investigates differences in peer review times between papers with male or female first authors across 1100 articles from 5 physical sciences journals.
#PeerReview #WomenInSTEM #WomenInPhysics #PhysicalScience #EuropeanScienceEditing #AcademicMastodon
#peerreview #womeninSTEM #womeninphysics #physicalscience #europeanscienceediting #AcademicMastodon
Here we are again accumulating celebrations
Kudos to @Marie_Adler23 for finishing your MSc !
All the hard work paid out and you got a beautiful thesis.
#sciwin #cellmigration #womeninSTEM