Maia KB Chowdhury · @maiakbc
1205 followers · 1782 posts · Server

3 Good Things, Monday!

1. My art open house (drop in by appointment) is going well! Have sold a few pieces so far (all Reiki-infused and inspired), and more appointments scheduled prior to December 24th. In the photo I've attached, you'll see one of my paintings in the background behind all the text of the book cover for my new novel (see number 2 below). :-)

2. I am on track for publishing my second novel (Otter Coast, a medical marijuana mystery!) on the Winter Solstice. A funny day perhaps in light of the timing with holiday sales (it is not in time for people to order paper copies for Christmas and have them arrive, but e-books will be in time); it feels right, so I'm going for it. Also, as you'll see from the photo of the book cover design in progress, we have lots of Lorem Ipsum text to be replaced. I love Lorem Ipsum text, makes me feel like clean dishes, clean sheets, new opportunities. :-)

3. I'm getting closer to solving some work-related architecture and engineering design challenges which are always intriguing to me. Although I can't talk about work-work, I can say that in novel number 1 (The Erenwine Agenda---a love story that centers on fracking---which I am ALSO reissuing on the Solstice, in my given name, Maia Chowdhury) and in novel number 2, there is lots of workplace drama of the highest caliber! 🙂

Now, back to said Day Job. 🙂


#3goodthings #architect #artforsale #creativewriting #dayjob #desi #ecofiction #fracking #holidaysale #hydraulicfracturing #indieauthor #indiepublisher #independentpublisher #loremipsum #mixeddesi #medicalmarijuana #mystery #publishing #reiki #smallpress #solstice #VisionaryEcoFiction #visionaryfiction #wintersolstice #womeninarchitecture #WomenInSTEAM #womeninstem #writer #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

Maia KB Chowdhury · @maiakbc
1201 followers · 1766 posts · Server

Today is the day that we honour women in science, in respect for those who lost their lives on December 6th in Montreal. I don't see it in the news very much in the US (not at all, actually). It's been an important day for me as a woman working in architecture, even though the event occurred before I had even begun my studies in the field. I was an urban geography student at the time, considering the next steps in my career. I'm proud to be a woman working in STEM & STEAM.

#womeninstem #WomenInSTEAM #womeninarchitecture

Last updated 2 years ago

Melanie Hayne · @melaniehayne
32 followers · 6 posts · Server
Maia KB Chowdhury · @maiakbc
985 followers · 1319 posts · Server

Please boost this question to reach academic and industry connections here working in climate resilience (and TIA)!

I’m interested in pursuing doctoral level research related to my work in architecture and climate. I have two clear paths open right now: DBA (Doctor of Business Admin) and PhD. Either could be part time and online while I am working full time as an architect (see ) and my goal would be to stay on the industry side, not to go into teaching full time, although I am interested in some teaching and research. Do you know anyone who is doing climate resilience research and work in architecture and planning who ties the for-profit business / non-profit / IGO/ NGO admin aspects in? I would love to connect and I have a million questions! Thank you.

#dayjob #adaptivereuse #architects #ClimateAction #ClimateResearch #climateresilience #DBA #doctorate #igo #ngo #phd #planning #research #sealevelrise #UnitedNations #urbanplanning #womeninarchitecture #WomenInSTEAM #womeninstem

Last updated 2 years ago

Melanie Hayne · @melaniehayne
27 followers · 4 posts · Server
Maia KB Chowdhury · @maiakbc
771 followers · 1103 posts · Server

@bookishbrews I’m thinking I should have you review and/or set up an interview related to my novel The Erenwine Agenda prior to my reissuing it under my new (post divorce) name, and also have you review Otter Coast prior to its publication. Those are novels 1 and 2 in my trilogy (it’s the 3rd one I’m first drafting in Nanowrimo now). The trilogy is ecofiction and has mixed race characters (mixed Desi, mixed First Nations). And other race related themes that I won’t say because they would be book spoilers! Lmk how this works. E-mail if preferred. Also tagging @ecofiction as I am interested in having you review these as well from an earth based ecofiction perspective.

And thanks!

#amwriting #ecofiction #visionaryfiction #VisionaryEcoFiction #nanowrimo #indieauthor #indiepublishing #bipoc #womeninarchitecture #womeninstem #WomenInSTEAM #AsianCanadian #canlit #Asianamerican #desi #mixeddesi #mixedrace #firstnations #MixedFirstNations #Metis

Last updated 2 years ago

maiakbc · @maiakbc
756 followers · 1068 posts · Server
maiakbc · @maiakbc
717 followers · 961 posts · Server

Please boost! Where are my people? Specifically looking for people, institutes and publications working on problems and solutions research about changes to permafrost due to climate change, sea level rise at permafrost edges (if/where) and impacts to building foundations and bridges. Best practices for (recommended?). Other and solutions? More focused on ground conditions, and also interested in impacts to and … This is for my ecofiction research for novel #3 in the Erenwine trilogy. Thank you!

#permafrost #HelicalPiles #civilengineering #structuralengineering #archeology #atmosphere #biodiversity #nanowrimo #amwriting #ecofiction #womeninarchitecture #WomenInSTEAM #womeninstem #blackinstem

Last updated 2 years ago

maiakbc · @maiakbc
717 followers · 961 posts · Server

Trying this again with the right tags this time!!! Newbie problems...

Here is the first page of The Erenwine Agenda, my first published ecofiction novel, sharing for

Amalia Sengupta Erenwine stood in the middle of the gravel lot in Binghamton’s Aqua-Terra County Park, and eyed the mud puddles ahead on the trail. Lace-ups were a good start, but she needed something more heavy-duty on her feet. Betsy stood on the far side of the clearing, head bowed over a printed set of Polson Grohman’s architectural drawings, in a quiet huddle with the environmental center partners and the gas executives from Atlantia Actuaris.

With Betsy across the clearing and a moment to herself, Amalia could breathe it all in and enjoy it for what it was: a spectacular natural environment. The park gave her a boost of energy; just to be in it was enough. She put the camera in her bag opposite her packed lunch, rested the bag on a tipped-up stone slab at the trailhead, and glanced ahead to see dark clouds gather on the horizon beyond the fall colors of upstate New York.

Trying to let go of her inner conflict with the gas company’s investment had drawn it closer, and she found herself facing the reality that her internship in architecture was underwritten by the natural gas industry. Fracking supported her growth as an architect. Her environmentalism turned so awry, so quickly, on her move to New York City.

to read more:

on Powell's Books list of New and Classic Eco-Fiction

top 5 Amazon bestseller in Visionary Fiction

shortlisted for best Visionary Fiction, International Book Awards

soon to be reissued under Maia Kumari Bree Chowdhury

and... second in trilogy, Otter Coast, is about to be published - that one is a medical marijuana mystery!

#FlashFicFriday #AmericanAuthor #architect #binghamton #CanadianAuthor #canlit #clifi #desi #ecofiction #ecology #energy #engineer #fiction #fracking #greenbuilding #indieauthor #inspiration #MarcellusShale #mixeddesi #naturalgas #newyork #oilandgas #pennsylvania #ShaleGas #sustainability #VisionaryEcoFiction #visionaryecology #womeninarchitecture #WomenInSTEAM

Last updated 2 years ago

Karin Hartmann · @karinhartmann
21 followers · 28 posts · Server

Wir wissen nicht, wie unsere gebaute Umwelt aussehen würde, wenn erreicht wäre und durchgehend diverse Teams planen.
Ich würde es gerne wissen.

#chancengleichheit #architektinnen #womeninarchitecture #breakthebias #diversitymatters #diversityinarchitecture

Last updated 2 years ago

maiakbc · @maiakbc
718 followers · 961 posts · Server

Updating my intro…
I’m a green building architect and painter, writer, reiki master. I write ecofiction and post under . I’m an advocate for women and those who identify as women in science. Started a visionary ecofiction publishing company a few years back,, and am working on a trilogy of novels (#1 is published: about fracking; #2 is going to be published soon: about medical marijuana; #3 in first draft mode: about high speed transport). I’m a born amplifier of other people’s good work. Glass half full. 😊 Canadian born mixed desi in the NE USA.

#solutionsjournalism #architect #artist #bengali #celtic #climateresilience #desi #ecofiction #fedi22 #geographer #Introduction #meditation #migration #mixed #mixedmedia #newjersey #newyork #pennsylvania #refugees #reiki #sustainability #ubc #urbangeographer #vancouver #womeninarchitecture #womeninstem #WomenInSTEAM #writer

Last updated 2 years ago

maiakbc · @maiakbc
718 followers · 961 posts · Server
Karin Hartmann · @karinhartmann
21 followers · 17 posts · Server
#WikiParty · @michaelgraaf
147 followers · 7370 posts · Server

RT @wikiafrica
Wonderful to see the being featured in @Wikimedia's .

This month @WikiLovesWomen's is LIVE with prizes to be won!

enter here:

#ISATool #ProjectRewrite #TellUsAboutHer #womeninarchitecture

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Noodleswithacamera
36 followers · 28 posts · Server
· @Noodleswithacamera
36 followers · 28 posts · Server