So for the :

At two years old I was able to download & change computer wallpapers. My parents couldn't. I was interested in computers and how to corrupt images and so on from a young age. Cut out parts of images to see what'd happen, found that funny. Then I discovered Ubuntu/Linux due to my brother, went distro hopping later on.

At around the same time of the distro hopping, I started to get an interest in programming and security. Found it funny how you could get websites to spit out errors when corrupting url requests. Then I also used JS and HTML on the school project site, to do stored XSS to annoy other students (I didn't know what stored XSS was back then).

Then I got also an interest in console modding and Android rooting, as well as retro computers. I messed with that for quite a bit :).

Later on I gained a more specific interest in information security, used hack this site around the same time as the consoles, retro computers, and Android. I created a HTB account later.

During this all, I programmed Python, BASIC, C, and more. I enjoyed learning a lot. I ended up self studying security after doing Udemy, Codecademy, and more. It's all a bit simultaneously though.

Anyway, I messed with some sites, did CTFs, learnt, gained a few thank yous from companies I hacked. Then I ended up doing volunteering work for the of which I have a few cases I worked on. There's like a whole lot more to this story but to write more would lead to a shittonne of text.

I'm a member of a hackerspace and went to two hacker events, of which one is , also occasionally go to

That's all for now

#introduction #dutchinstituteforvulnerabilitydisclosure #MayContainHackers #womenincybersecuritycommunityassociation

Last updated 2 years ago