Another day another misgendering by recruiters of a woman in IT. Sad especially since that person got it right in a previous message. #womeninit
„When Women Stopped Coding“ - an interesting piece by NPR about probable reasons for the sudden decline of female CS students in the 1980s:
#sheforit #femalecoders #womeninit
The Call for Papers is open for the Grace Hopper conference until April 26. #womeninIT
Am 19. April findet unser zweites Event statt. Als Sprecherin bringt uns diesmal Sophia Cook hexagonale Architektur im Frontend näher. Genug Zeit zum Netzwerken ist auch eingeplant. Kommt gerne vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euch!
Bitte meldet euch über Meetup an:
#womeninit #femalepower #frontenddevelopment #Düssedorf
#womeninit #femalepower #frontenddevelopment #dussedorf
Happy #Weltfrauentag! 💜
Wir feiern heute gemeinsam mit unseren #WomeninIT den internationalen #Frauentag. Zu diesem Anlass möchten wir euch auch einige unserer IT-Liebhaberinnen vorstellen. 👇
💜 Wie Service Managerin Susanne Wostal die Kommunikation in 783 Liegenschaften sicherstellt:
💜 Eva-Charlotte Klösser: Training für den Iron Man neben der Arbeit?
#Weltfrauentag #womeninit #frauentag #internationalwomensday
Career paths for devops engineers and SREs
Check it out! 👇
#womeninit #agiledevelopment #developer #devops #careers
Happy International Women's Day! A big thank you to the talented and dedicated #WomeninIT here at OpenProject! You rock every day.
#EmbraceEquity #IWD2023
#womeninit #embraceequity #iwd2023
Career paths for devops engineers and SREs - It may be difficult to focus on your career when you spend your work days meeting very... - #agiledevelopment #developer #womeninit #careers #devops
#devops #careers #womeninit #developer #agiledevelopment
Fascinating @conversationedu article from Vandana Singh at the University of #Tennessee about #WomenInIT:
"Women make up 57% of the overall workforce. Comparatively, women make up only 27% of the workforce in the technology industry. Of the 27% that join the technology industry, more than 50% are likely to quit before the age of 35, and 56% are likely to quit by midcareer."
I was picked for a photo shoot for the project "Quelques femmes du numériques" which is an artistical project taking photos of Women in IT to put them in the light.
You will find below a comment from a guy who wanted to make a compliment (and I'm pretty sure it was genuine). Sadly, his ignorance of sexism made him write a very sexist comment. I don't want to blame him. As I said, I'm sure he meant well.
#OrdinarySexism #WomenInIT
Kurzvorstellung Ines Dauth:
"Ich bin Arbeitsmarkt- und Netzwerkspezialistin-Familienmensch-Beraterin-Moderatorin. Seit 2011 berate ich Menschen in beruflichen Veränderungen und fokussiere dabei auf den verdeckten Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Kraft von Netzwerken."
Lernt Ines kenne am 1.3. bei der ersten Veranstaltung des Female Dev Club!
When @elisetta1984 goes to @VoxxedTicino she's on TV 👍
RT @elisetta1984
🤩 Happy to have shared few words about my values and the origin of my passion for #IT at @VoxxedTicino in #Lugano yesterday 👇
#VDT23 #WomenInTech #WomenInIT #Ivrea #Olivetti
#it #lugano #vdt23 #womenintech #womeninit #ivrea #olivetti
Bald geht es los mit unserem ersten Event für alle Frauen in der IT in #Düsseldorf und Umgebung! #womeninit #frauen
#dusseldorf #womeninit #Frauen
Useful analysis on #DiversityInIT by #BCS, Chartered Institute for IT.
Failing on engagement & inclusion is causing real damage to the UK IT industry.
How do we get better?
#diversityinit #bcs #findingthe754000 #DiversityInSTEM #womeninit
Want to support women in tech? Let them lead #womenleaders #womenintech #womeninstem #womeninIT
#womenleaders #womenintech #womeninstem #womeninit
📣 Amazing! Teile es immer wieder gerne, mein «Young Talents Hackathon» im Neubad Luzern vom letzten Oktober 2022! Erlebt 30 Stunden voller #Emotionen, #Highlights und begeisterte #Lernende: 💪🏼🚀👩🏻💻👨🏻💻
#Hackathon #YoungTalents #Tech #Hacking #Projects #ICT #Mediamatik #Informatik #WomeninIT
#emotionen #highlights #lernende #hackathon #youngtalents #Tech #hacking #projects #ict #mediamatik #informatik #womeninit
Bist du eine Frau mit einem technischen Beruf? Dann füll das Interview auf unserer Webseite aus und zeig uns, wer du bist!
#womenintech #womenintechdach #interview #womeninit #fraueninit #frauenintechnik #frauenintechnischenberufen #frauenintech
#frauenintech #frauenintechnischenberufen #FrauenInTechnik #fraueninIT #womeninit #interview #womenintechdach #womenintech
Since the early days of IT women were among the pioneers of programming. I hope it will be the same and even more in the area of#quantum .
Join the
Quantum Women Invited Talks series
on Wednesday, December 7 for a conversation with
Dr. Marlou Slot, PhD.
She is a Quantum Materials Physicist, working as a postdoctoral researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA.
As an IT leader who spends a large amount of time having serious conversations with my Managers and Directors about their career progression, it is interesting to me how some push back and take it personally and others can dig in and ask questions or learn from the conversation.
** Be coachable **
Honest feedback is there to help you.
You’ll get where you want to go 10x faster. #leadership #womenleaders #womeninIT #career
#career #womeninit #womenleaders #leadership
The Genetics Department in the University of Cambridge is looking for a talented and versatile IT Service Manager. If you're passionate about IT and helping others to succeed, we'd be delighted to hear from you!
#womeninit #diversityinit #itmanagement