So... Do you remember where we called out a commentator on our Instagram for making really sexist remarks about @realsexycyborg?
Well apparently a while back he emailed us and WHOOO BOY!
This is a GREAT example on what NOT to be like in the hacker community.
Holy shit!
(We are unable to provide closed captions for this image. Eill provide at a later date.)
#feminism #misogyny #patriarchy #fediwomen #womenofmastodon #sexist #sexism
#feminism #misogyny #patriarchy #fediwomen #womenofmastodon #sexist #sexism
So we made a post on our Instagram about the #naomiwu #realsexycyborg @realsexycyborg situation and...
...welcome to part two on why #hacker women shy away from conventions. 😤
#fediwomen #womenofmastodon #sexualharassment #misogyny #patriarchy
#naomiwu #realsexycyborg #Hacker #fediwomen #womenofmastodon #sexualharassment #misogyny #patriarchy
#whistleblower #leak on #reddit of @LinusTech #linustechtips #ltt meeting after #suop quit the company is damming:
#whistleblower #leak #reddit #linustechtips #ltt #suop #womenofmastodon
#blackmastodn is a part of #mastodon and I desperately want you here! Thank you for sharing with all of us and helping us learn. My life is nothing without the equality of us all and the beauty that comes from different people interacting and learning, boosting each other up instead of tearing each other down. I am grateful and pray the welcoming voices always drown out the callow ones. #latinomastodon #queermastodon #transmastodon #lgbtqmastodon #asianmastodon #womenofmastodon #allwelcome 💕
#blackmastodn #mastodon #latinomastodon #queermastodon #transmastodon #lgbtqmastodon #asianmastodon #womenofmastodon #allwelcome
Nov 20, 2022
I breathed you into this world
Labor of eight hours only
Deep slow breaths, mostly
Okay, a few cries for help
The occasional whelp
We did it together
Here's my little treasure
I'm proud
#SmallPoem #motherhood #BirthStory #writing #poetry #birth #WomenOfMastodon #gratitude #MyPoem #MyWriting
#smallpoem #motherhood #birthstory #writing #poetry #birth #womenofmastodon #gratitude #MyPoem #mywriting
#womenofmastodon The moment Janet Yellen gets to see her name on #money $$$ for the first time....
I breathed you into this world
Labor of eight hours only
Deep slow breaths, mostly
Okay, a few cries for help
The occasional whelp
We did it together
Here's my little treasure
I'm proud
#smallpoem #motherhood #birthstory #writing #poetry #birth #womenofmastodon #gratitude
#smallpoem #motherhood #birthstory #writing #poetry #birth #womenofmastodon #gratitude
👋 Auf der Suche nach der weiblichen Seite von Mastodon. Wo seid Ihr, #WomenOfMastodon oder #DiversePeopleOfMastodon?
#womenofmastodon #diversepeopleofmastodon