Congratulations to Switzerland for winning the World Women's Curling Championships again for the 4th time in a row.
Norway took silver and Canada got bronze.
Some of the curling seeming a little uneven, which seems to be blamed on the ice conditions. Next year the championships will be in Canada, so hopefully the ice will be less challenging in 2024.
#wwcc2023 #womenscurling #curling
I wish I were surprised by Team Canada's inconsistency. Unfortunately the results are pretty much as I expected, and I am not convinced they'll even manage to pull off bronze 😩
I suspect the ice conditions are part of the problem... Canadian teams get spoiled playing on high quality ice and then when they get served something less abroad, they play less spectacularly than at home 😖
#wwcc2023 #womenscurling #curling
The Canadian #WomensCurling Champtionships, the #Scotties start tomorrow 2023-Feb-17.
Have you ever wondered why the number of draws are the way they are? It's a tradition in curling that there are round robin tournaments. Every team plays every other team. With 18 teams, there is no way to do 17*18/2 = 153 games (39 draws of 4 games) So they break it into two pools of 9 teams. 8*9/2 = 36 games per pool, 72 games total (which is 72/4=18 draws.) Enjoy the #curling
#womenscurling #scotties #curling