@lolgop Not sure whether you saw the Washington Post article a couple of weeks ago; there are many people who are convinced EM and other #deadbirdsite investors wanted to destroy the progressive organizing capacity manifested in the #WomensMarch and the #BLM work, but especially #BlackTwitter Certainly, they promote #despair.
#deadbirdsite #womensmarch #blm #BlackTwitter #despair
The issue arises from a #lawsuit filed by CharleneCarter, a flight attendant for >20 yrs & a longtime antagonist of the SWA #FlightAttendantsUnion. In 2017, after #union members attended the #WomensMarch w/a “#SouthwestAirlines Flight Attendants” banner, Carter sent msgs to the union pres containing graphic antiabortion msgs.
“This is what you supported during Paid Leave w/others at the Women’s MARCH in DC….You truly are Despicable…” Carter wrote in 1 msg accompanying a vid of an aborted fetus.
#lawsuit #flightattendantsunion #union #womensmarch #southwestairlines
@zenlan you are very likely correct, but I like the idea that his fantasy is to single handedly stop #BLM or unions or #WomensMarch hence, kitchen sink imagery.:blobcat_winking:
https://www.cleveland19.com/2023/06/25/womens-march-cleveland-holds-rally-downtown-1st-anniversary-roe-v-wade-reversal/ #Ohio
Beneath news on Russia, MSM buried #WomensMarch♀️🔥#ReproductiveRights events nationally
#Dobbs anniversary👎🏾👎🏻
#Ohio #dobbs #ReproductiveRights #womensmarch
#WomensMarch #Dobbs #Flagstaff #Arizona June 24, 2023
#Arizona #flagstaff #dobbs #womensmarch
@Nadinabbott - this is advice from the worst timeline, but consider getting yourself a field bandage and a hemostatic clotting sponge.
A field bandage is a large square of thick gauze with bandage "ribbons" off the corners so it can be tied in place. The plastic packaging can also be used for chest wounds that are taking in air - you mightn't know how to do this, but someone with you might.
A hemostatic sponge is a pad that goes over (or into) a wound.. it's treated with a clotting factor that will slow bleeding until you can get help or help can get to you.
I've used both at protests over the years, and I'm not exaggerating when I tell you they've saved lives.
#protest #firstaid #beprepared #womensmarch
This year's Aurat March, Pakistan's annual march for women’s rights, was a defiant act of self-assertion that once again sparked panic and condemnation from conservatives.
Four famous women are featured in today's 11 × 11 grid as Women's March continues on M&M Crosswords. Give "Crazy Fire Ghost" a try and see if you can make a connection with sports, science, space, and a sock...
#womensmarch #xw #puzzle #crossword
Here's hoping you enjoy your Sunday Funday with your favorite playlist. Maybe you can find some inspiration from today's grid. Solve "Belt It Out" and get your groove on. :)
#crossword #puzzle #xw #WomensMarch #SundayFunday #BeltItOut
#beltitout #sundayfunday #womensmarch #xw #puzzle #crossword
At the Women's March in Miami - 2017.
#Photography #StreetPhotography #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Bnw #Monochrome #BlancoYNegro #NoirEtBlanc #WomensMarch #Miami #StreetPortrait
#streetportrait #miami #womensmarch #noiretblanc #blancoynegro #monochrome #bnw #blackandwhitephotography #streetphotography #photography
What's on my mind as Women's March continues? Try today's grid and you'll see. :) Access "On My Mind" here:
#hearmeroar #womensmarch #xw #puzzle #crossword
From #WomensMarch
#Walgreens, bowing to #GOP pressure won’t provide #abortion medication, even where legal. #WomensMarch says: #BoycottWalgreens. Find your local Walgreens or Duane Reade and let them know you won't support them until they support reproductive freedom.
Petition and pledge to #boycott here >>>
#activism #health
#getbusy #reproductivefreedom
#actionalert #womensmarch #walgreens #gop #abortion #BoycottWalgreens #boycott #activism #health #GetBusy #reproductivefreedom #bethechange #healthcare #thearmchairactivist
🚺 The Making of Hollie McNish - on childbirth, #poetry and how #women that chose to not have babies are demonized
#WomensDay2023 #IWD #EmbraceEquity #WomensMarch #InternationalWomensDay #Podcast #NowPlaying
#poetry #women #womensday2023 #iwd #embraceequity #womensmarch #internationalwomensday #podcast #nowplaying
via #WomensMarch https://act.womensmarch.com & #WorkingFamiliesPower https://workingfamiliespower.org/
Help make sure voters in #Wisconsin know about the upcoming WI Supreme Court primary #election -- and where candidates stand on #abortion rights! This race could SECURE #reproductivefreedom in Wisconsin. #Volunteer for a virtual #textbank party right from your home. Available dates Tues Jan 31 & Feb & 6-8p ET.
Sign up now: https://www.mobilize.us/wfpower/event/548436/?akid=19497.727294.OCZWil
#actionalert #womensmarch #workingfamiliespower #wisconsin #election #abortion #reproductivefreedom #volunteer #textbank #activism #GetBusy #thearmchairactivist
Six years ago on January 21st, 2017 the view of the Women’s March in Portland, Oregon.
#WomensMarch #pdx #portland
I haven’t been to many rallies or marches lately, so I have no idea how common this is, but it’s the first time I’ve seen an armed pro-repro freedom person. #womensmarch #Madison #Wisconsin
#wisconsin #madison #womensmarch
Women’s March in Long Beach on 50th anniversary of Roe v Wade #RoeVWade #LongBeach #SouthernCalifornia #WomensMarch
#roevwade #longbeach #southerncalifornia #womensmarch
Oh, I forgot about this sign which made me laugh too.
#WomensMarch #Boston #ReproductiveRights #abortion #AbortionRights
#womensmarch #boston #reproductiverights #abortion #abortionrights
“If your voice held no power, they wouldn’t try to silence you.” - unknown
March March, by The Chicks https://youtu.be/xwBjF_VVFvE
#WomensMarch #WomensRights #Roe #ReproductiveRights #AbortionAccess #AbortionRights #ReproductiveJustice #ProChoice #MyBodyMyPower #BiggerThanRoe #BlackLivesMatter #NoJusticeNoPeace #LGBTQIA #HumanRights #ClimateJustice
#climatejustice #HumanRights #LGBTQIA #nojusticenopeace #BlackLivesMatter #biggerthanroe #mybodymypower #prochoice #reproductivejustice #AbortionRights #abortionaccess #ReproductiveRights #roe #womensrights #womensmarch