Walgreens reports profits are WAY down due to a contraction of demand for COVID-related services (i.e., vaccines). Yeah, I'm sure that played a small part. However, it's more likely that Walgreen's decision to not dispense mifepristone played a much larger role in this. And fuck Walgreens and financial reporters for obscuring that fact. #walgreens #mifepristone #abortionmedication #AbortionIsMedicalCare #womensrightsunderattack
#walgreens #mifepristone #abortionmedication #abortionismedicalcare #womensrightsunderattack
Put quite simply, if you vote Republican, even if you're doing so for reasons other than supporting anti-LGBT legislation, even if you have loved ones or friends who are LGBT, then you are supporting our enemies. #gayrightsarehumanrights #racialequity #womensrightsunderattack #loveislove
#republicanswantyoudead #republicanshate
#gayrightsarehumanrights #racialequity #womensrightsunderattack #loveislove #republicanswantyoudead #republicanshate
@GottaLaff I don’t know any woman who has ever known she was pregnant before 6 weeks, including myself. Horrendous laws, and we women better make these right wing hypocrites pay in all 50 states. #VoteThemOut #WomensHealth #WomensRightsUnderAttack
#womensrightsunderattack #womenshealth #VoteThemOut