BBC Alba: 360 | Alaina MacLennan | BBC ALBA Cluinnidh 360 bho Alaina NicIllinnein a tha na h-oifigear leasachaidh airson camanachd.
360 hear from shinty development officer, Alaina MacLennan.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #FionaMcIntyre #MhairiLake #AlainaMacLennan
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
Faic seo agus barrachd
#womenssport360 #iplayer #fionamcintyre #mhairilake #alainamaclennan
BBC Alba: 360 | Mhairi Lake | BBC ALBA Cluinnidh 360 bho Mhairi Lake bho sgioba Ball-Lìn Clydeside.
360 hear from Clydeside Netball’s Mhairi Lake.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #FionaMcIntyre #MhairiLake #AlainaMacLennan
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
Faic seo agus barrachd air BBC iPlayer 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #fionamcintyre #mhairilake #alainamaclennan
BBC Alba: 360 | A-Nochd Air 360 | Fiona McIntyre | BBC ALBA Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte air stiùiriche an SWPL, Fiona Nic an t-Saoir air ais gu stiùidio 360 an t-seachdain-sa.
Iona Ballantyne welcomes SWPL Managing Director, Fiona McIntyre back to the 360 studio this week.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #FionaMcIntyre #MhairiLake #AlainaMacLennan
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BB
#womenssport360 #iplayer #fionamcintyre #mhairilake #alainamaclennan
BBC Alba: 360 | Samantha Gough | BBC ALBA Tha Samantha Gough a tha an sàs ann an iomadh spòrs, a’ cur a phrosbaig air ball-tadhal agus ball-coise airson nan dall.
Multi sport athlete Samantha Gough, shines a light on goalball and blind football.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #AileenCampbell #ClachnacuddinFC #SamanthaGough
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #aileencampbell #clachnacuddinfc #samanthagough
BBC Alba: 360 | Clachnacuddin FC | BBC ALBA Cluinnidh 360 bho sgioba Chlach na Cùdainn.
360 hear from Highlands and Islands league side, Clachnacuddin FC.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #AileenCampbell #ClachnacuddinFC #SamanthaGough
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
Faic seo agus barrachd air BBC iPlayer 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #aileencampbell #clachnacuddinfc #samanthagough
BBC Alba: 360 | A-Nochd Air 360 | Aileen Campbell | BBC ALBA An t-seachdain-sa, ’s i Àrd-Oifigear aig Ball-Coise nam Ban an Alba, Aileen Chaimbeul a tha an cuide ri Eilidh NicAmhlaidh ann an stiùidio 360.
This week Aileen Campbell, Chief Executive of Scottish Women’s Football, joins Eilidh MacAulay in the studio.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #AileenCampbell #ClachnacuddinFC #SamanthaGough
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #aileencampbell #clachnacuddinfc #samanthagough
BBC Alba: 360 | Lily Graham | BBC ALBA Tha 360 a’ dol gu na Stà itean gus cluinntinn bho chluicheadair ball-coise Lily Graham a tha a’ dèanamh an cuid foghlaim le ball-coise.
360 goes stateside to hear from footballer Lily Graham who is combining her studies with playing soccer.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #LeeMcConnell #LilyGraham #HannahRyding
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC AL
#womenssport360 #iplayer #leemcconnell #lilygraham #hannahryding
BBC Alba: 360 | Hannah Ryding | BBC ALBA Gheibh 360 facal le ruitheadair tà r-dhùthaich Hannah Ryding.
360 catches up with cross country runner Hannah Ryding.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #LeeMcConnell #LilyGraham #HannahRyding
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
Faic seo agus barrachd air BBC iPlayer 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #leemcconnell #lilygraham #hannahryding
BBC Alba: 360 | A-Nochd Air 360 | Lee McConnell | BBC ALBA Tha a’ bhan-Oilimpigeach Lee McConnell air ais san stiùidio còmhla ri preasantair Iona Ballantyne.
Olympian Lee McConnell is back in the studio with presenter Iona Ballantyne.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #LeeMcConnell #LilyGraham #HannahRyding
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #leemcconnell #lilygraham #hannahryding
BBC Alba: 360 | Rachel Tytler | BBC ALBA Cluinnidh 360 bho Rachel Tytler an dèidh dhith bonn umha a ghlèidheadh aig na Geamaichean a' Cho-fhlaitheis ann am Birmingham.
360 also hears from judo’s Rachel Tytler, about winning bronze at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #RachelLaw #RachelTytler #Brougton
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus
#womenssport360 #iplayer #rachellaw #racheltytler #brougton
BBC Alba: 360 | Brougton | BBC ALBA Cluinnidh 360 bho sgioba rugbaidh Broughton à Baile Dhùn-Èideann a tha a’ cluich ann an Lìg a h-Aon.
360 hear from Edinburgh based rugby club Brougton who are playing in National League 1.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #RachelLaw #RachelTytler #Brougton
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #rachellaw #racheltytler #brougton
BBC Alba: 360 | A-Nochd Air 360 | Rachel Law | BBC ALBA ’S i cluicheadair rugbaidh na h-Alba Rachel Law a tha còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne ann an stiùidio 360 an t-seachdain-sa.
Scotland rugby international Rachel Law joins Iona Ballantyne in the 360 studio this week.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #RachelLaw #RachelTytler #Brougton
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brù
#womenssport360 #iplayer #rachellaw #racheltytler #brougton
BBC Alba: 360 | Scottish Schools FA | BBC ALBA Gheibh 360 a-mach mu farpais sgoile Bob Docherty a chaidh a chumail ann an Glaschu bho chionn ghoirid.
360 learn about the Bob Docherty schools football tournament that was recently held in Glasgow.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #KateCooper #SWNT
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
Faic seo agus barra
#womenssport360 #iplayer #katecooper #swnt
BBC Alba: 360 | A-Nochd Air 360 | Kate Cooper | BBC ALBA ’S i Àrd-Choidse St Mirren, Kate Cooper, a tha còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne ann an stiùidio 360 an t-seachdain-sa.
St Mirren Head Coach, Kate Cooper joins Iona Ballantyne in the 360 studio this week.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #KateCooper #SWNT
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #katecooper #swnt
BBC Alba: 360 | Emily Carrick-Anderson | BBC ALBA Tha Emily Carrick-Anderson a’ dol thairis air na rudan a bhios i a’ dèanamh gus dèanamh deiseil airson seusan ùr rothaireachd tar-dhùthaich agus beinne.
Emily Carrick-Anderson takes 360 through her preparation for the upcoming cross country and mountain bike season.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #HeatherLockhart #CherylKilcoyne #EmilyCarickAnderson
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #heatherlockhart #cherylkilcoyne #emilycarickanderson
BBC Alba: 360 | Cheryl Kilcoyne | BBC ALBA Cluinnidh 360 bho Cheryl Kilcoyne a th’ air gluasad gu obair-coidsidh còmhla ri Forfar Farmington.
360 hear from Forfar Farmington’s Cheryl Kilcoyne on making the step into coaching.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #HeatherLockhart #CherylKilcoyne #EmilyCarickAnderson
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #heatherlockhart #cherylkilcoyne #emilycarickanderson
BBC Alba: 360 | A-Nochd Air 360 | Heather Lockhart | BBC ALBA Tha Heather Lockhart, coidse teanas a b’ à ibhist rugbaidh a chluich airson Alba, còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne ann an stiùidio 360 an t-seachdain-sa.
Tennis coach and former Scottish rugby internationalist Heather Lockhart joins Iona Ballantyne in the 360 studio this week.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #HeatherLockhart #CherylKilcoyne #EmilyCarickAnderson
Chithear barrachd 360 👉 htt
#womenssport360 #iplayer #heatherlockhart #cherylkilcoyne #emilycarickanderson
BBC Alba: 360 | Katherine Fraser | BBC ALBA Cluinnidh 360 bho sgiobair criogaid na h-Alba, fo aois 19, Katherine Fraser, is i air a bhith a’ chluich aig Cuach na Cruinne ann an Afraga a Deas bho chionn ghoirid.
360 hears from Scotland U19 cricket captain Katherine Fraser, who recently competed in the World Cup in South Africa.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #GraceStirling #JodieSloss #Katherine Fraser
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #gracestirling #jodiesloss #katherine
BBC Alba: 360 | Jodie Sloss | BBC ALBA Tha an drà ibhear Jodie Sloss ag innse do 360 mu cho luath sa tha i air piseach a dhèanamh ann an rèis-motair.
Racing driver Jodie Sloss talks to 360 about her fast rise up the ranks in motor racing.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #GraceStirling #JodieSloss #Katherine Fraser
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #gracestirling #jodiesloss #katherine
BBC Alba: 360 | A-Nochd Air 360 | Grace Stirling | BBC ALBA An t-seachdain-sa, cuiridh Iona Ballantyne fà ilte ri aoigh ùr gu stiùidio 360, tosgaire Spòrs Alba agus Spòrs Ciorram na h-Alba, Grace Stirling.
This week, Iona Ballantyne welcomes a new guest to the 360 studio, Sport Scotland and Scottish disability sport ambassador, Grace Stirling.
#womenssport360 #iplayer #GraceStirling #JodieSloss #Katherine Fraser
Chithear barrachd 360 👉
#womenssport360 #iplayer #gracestirling #jodiesloss #katherine