@uanews If Ukraine women warriors are anything like traditional Cherokee women warriors, the Russians should run home as fast as they can. #WomenWarriors #Ukraine #Russia #CherokeeNation
#CherokeeNation #Russia #Ukraine #womenwarriors
Heroes of the Resistance....
Simone Segouin, RIP
No paywall, my gift
#frenchresistance #freefrench #partisan #womenwarriors
Currently reading, for research: “Women Warriors in SouthEast Asia” edited by
Vina A. Lanzona & Frederik Rettig; “Bitch: On the Female of the Species” by Lucy Cooke; & “The Real Valkyrie” by Nancy Marie Brown.
#IndependantScholar #Writer #Researcher #Academic
#WomenWarriors #WomensStudies #WomensHistory #GenderStudies #GenderBias #GenderHistory #MilitaryHistory #Biology #Animals #SouthEastAsia #Vikings
#independantscholar #writer #researcher #academic #womenwarriors #womensstudies #womenshistory #genderstudies #genderbias #genderhistory #militaryhistory #biology #animals #SouthEastAsia #vikings
In Russia, four women warriors were buried together 2,500 years ago. Women warriors were common among the Scythian people; one was just 12 or 13 years old but may have been an accomplished rider and archer.
#archeology #anthropology #womenwarriors
Hello people! I’m Saum. I am a #queer #neurodivergent #womanOfColor. I have some #disability from a #TraumaticBrainInjury. I am a #swordswoman and #archer who rides #horses. I am teaching myself #mountedarchery. I am writing a book about #historical #womenwarriors and contemporary #feminism #racism #colonialism #violence & #gender. Hoping to find good folks to hang out with here.
#queer #neurodivergent #womanofcolor #disability #traumaticbraininjury #swordswoman #Archer #horses #mountedarchery #historical #womenwarriors #feminism #racism #colonialism #violence #gender