One of the things I found great joy in after leaving academia was the opportunity to engage critically with books through book reviews that were published in places that appreciated voice and creativity in the review form.
Here's is a call for pitches that asks exactly for your most wild and inventive responses to books, literature, and culture!
#altac #bookreviewer #cfp #literature #culturalcritique #activereading #books #bookculture #bookreviews #womenwhosubmit
#altac #bookreviewer #cfp #literature #culturalcritique #activereading #books #bookculture #bookreviews #womenwhosubmit
The Citadel, the annual literary magazine published by the English/ESL Department of Los Angeles City College, is seeking submissions for its 2023 issue. Deadline 6/10, theme, "belonging in tempestuous times," reading fee $5 (goes to city college scholarship fund).
#womenwhosubmit #publishing #literarymagazine #LiteraryJournal #PublishingOpportunity #LosAngeles #fiction #poetry #cnf
#womenwhosubmit #publishing #literarymagazine #LiteraryJournal #publishingopportunity #losangeles #fiction #poetry #cnf
#Writing friends! Want to jumpstart your writing habit in 2023? Join my friend #AmberPetty's Perfectionist's Half-Ass Writing Challenge! Amber is a hoot and a wealth of information. She'll get your brain buzzing and motivated to write more -- and even earn money doing it. Join for FREE today -- the Challenge starts today at 11am PST.
#writing #amberpetty #amwriting #freelance #freelancer #womenwhosubmit