89 years ago:
Wonder Bar (US)
Harry and Inez are a dance team at the Wonder Bar. Inez loves Harry, but he is in love with Liane, the wife of a wealthy business man. Al Wonder and the conductor/singer Tommy are in love with Inez. When Inez finds out that Harry wants to leave Paris and is going to the USA with Liane, she kills him...
#WonderBar #LloydBacon #KayFrancis #DickPowell #GuyKibbee #ClassicFilm
#wonderbar #lloydbacon #kayfrancis #dickpowell #guykibbee #classicfilm
Don’t often get takeout food, but we ordered the veggie combo and shiro from #Wonderbar in #seattle tonight and it was outstanding. #ethiopian #injeera
#injeera #ethiopian #seattle #wonderbar