📽️ #Claytoonz, Episode 2022, Dilbert
#trump #ye #dilbert #NickFuentes #sippycup #wonderbread #mayo #tikitorch #potatoraisincasserole #hatertots #RacistsWhoLunch
#trump #ye #dilbert #nickfuentes #sippycup #wonderbread #mayo #tikitorch #potatoraisincasserole #hatertots #racistswholunch #claytoonz
Clay Jones slays #ScottAdams with a drawing and 6 words.
#editorial #cartoon #trump #ye #dilbert #NickFuentes #sippycup #wonderbread #mayo #tikitorch #potatoraisincasserole #hatertots #RacistsWhoLunch
#scottadams #editorial #cartoon #Trump #ye #dilbert #nickfuentes #sippycup #wonderbread #mayo #tikitorch #potatoraisincasserole #hatertots #racistswholunch
How much is Weston leg?
One day, starving people, are going to cook and eat the CEO of Loblaws. There's no other way to survive. Record profits, while people starve.. I've never tasted human flesh, pass a piece of the Weston family here, do we get PC points for a leg or arm?
Related: https://halifaxsocial.ca/@unionmaidns/109805751098491303
#Coast #Loblaws #Memo #Weston #Shareholders #Pricing #PresidentsChoice #NoName #JoeFresh #WonderBread #CountryHarvest #Gadoua #MaryMacIsaac #Marketing #PublicityStunt #Grocery #Monopoly
#coast #loblaws #memo #weston #Shareholders #pricing #presidentschoice #noname #joefresh #wonderbread #countryharvest #gadoua #marymacisaac #marketing #publicitystunt #grocery #monopoly
Speaking of bread, here’s an odd question: do they still make Wonder Bread? It’s been decades since I’ve ever bought a loaf and can’t even picture it in my supermarket’s bread section.
Speaking of bread, here’s an odd question: do they still make Wonder Bread? It’s been decades since I’ve ever bought a loaf and isn’t even picture it in my supermarket’s bread section.
So this is weird. I titled this 'From Hell's Heart I Stab At Thee'. See if you can work what and who this is referencing. #weightgain #stepfordization #stepfordification #iqdrain #dystopian #wonderbread #deforestation #largebreasts #cleavage
#iqdrain #dystopian #wonderbread #deforestation #largebreasts #cleavage #weightgain #stepfordization #stepfordification