It's a year since my co-edited volume on #ToddHaynes came out from #DukeUnivPress, and it's time for their 50% off sale! So here is my shameless pitch for those of you who haven't got a copy yet. You get half off all your Duke books if you use coupon code SPRING23 through April 17.
You can order from the US site (; if you're outside the US, from #CombinedAcademicPublishers (
This book was a labor of love for the editors and contributors, so I hope it can reach its readers. Thanks all for buying, liking, supporting, reviewing, and boosting. :heart_cyber:
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Friends, I wish you peace.
I thank God for his great gifts to us. Help us to see them every day. I'm not talking about things money can buy. I'm talking about sunrises, sunsets, babies, animals, mountains, flowers, and things that take your breath away and leave you #wonderstruck. Most of all, I thank God for Jesus. #MerryChristmas
World-hopping minecrafty MMO Boundless has dug its way out of early access - #wonderstruck #OortOnline #SquareEnix #News
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