New Wonder Woman shoot in honor of #Pride month!
#wonderwoman #wonderwomancosplay #wonderwoman1984 #wonderwomancostume #ww84 #zacksnyder #zacksnydersjusticeleague #snydercut #dccomic #galgadot #wonderwoman80thanniversary #cosplaybabe #cosplaybabes #womenofcosplay
#pride #wonderwoman #wonderwomancosplay #wonderwoman1984 #wonderwomancostume #ww84 #zacksnyder #zacksnydersjusticeleague #snydercut #dccomic #galgadot #wonderwoman80thanniversary #cosplaybabe #cosplaybabes #womenofcosplay
New Wonder Woman shoot in honor of #Pride month!
#wonderwoman #wonderwomancosplay #wonderwoman1984 #wonderwomancostume #ww84 #zacksnyder #zacksnydersjusticeleague #snydercut #dccomic #galgadot #wonderwoman80thanniversary #cosplaybabe #cosplaybabes #womenofcosplay
#pride #wonderwoman #wonderwomancosplay #wonderwoman1984 #wonderwomancostume #ww84 #zacksnyder #zacksnydersjusticeleague #snydercut #dccomic #galgadot #wonderwoman80thanniversary #cosplaybabe #cosplaybabes #womenofcosplay
I was led to believe this was a borderline-unwatchable film on par with Tommy Wiseau’s ‘The Room’ or something… but I actually quite like this one. Don’t get me wrong, the first one is probably better in a lot of regards, but I also forgot most of it five days after watching.
So, yeah, worse film that I like a lot more. #WonderWoman1984 #WW84
I’d gladly watch a Netflix documentary on why #WonderWoman was so good and #WonderWoman1984 was just terrible.
Netflix: Neue Serien und Filme im Februar 2023 #NeuBeiNetflix #You #WonderWoman1984 #OuterBanks
#outerbanks #wonderwoman1984 #you #NeuBeiNetflix
🇮🇹 Wikipédia italien:
1. Shakira #Shakira
2. Gerard Piqué #GerardPiqué
3. Wonder Woman 1984 #WonderWoman1984
#shakira #gerardpique #wonderwoman1984
So, #BlackAdam was really bad. Not #Shazam or #WonderWoman1984 bad, but certainly #Snyderverse bad. Though I was surprised by how unoriginal it was, how much it blatantly and badly took from the MCU. Though the cast was good. Ah well.
#BlackAdam #shazam #wonderwoman1984 #snyderverse #letthedcudie
#WonderWoman1984 is bundled for free on, and I think that’s probably the right price. Not *unenjoyable*, but I reckon I’d’ve been a tad miffed to have paid money to see it in the cinema or to stream it soon after release. 5/10: glad I’ve ticked it off the list; won’t re-watch it.
#PattyJenkins’ ‘#WonderWoman3’ Not Moving Forward as #DC #Movies Hit Turning Point (Exclusive)
I'm not surprised. #HackSnyder #ZackSnyder pretty much ran the #DCEU into the ground with his insistence on making it an ode to the moldering corpse of #AynRand, and Jenkins' own problematic sequel to #WonderWoman, #WonderWoman1984, really didn't go over well—especially the rapey implications of Diana's romance with #SteveTrevor. #WarnerBros is at a crossroads.
#pattyjenkins #wonderwoman3 #dc #movies #hacksnyder #zacksnyder #dceu #aynrand #wonderwoman #wonderwoman1984 #stevetrevor #warnerbros
Was thinking the other day (I know dangerous) am I the only one that really enjoyed Wonder Woman 1984? 🤔
#WonderWoman1984 #DCEU
Finally watched #WonderWoman1984 last night.
It was... not good. The first #GalGadot #WonderWoman movie was much, much better. So disappointing. #movies
#wonderwoman1984 #galgadot #wonderwoman #movies
Watching #WonderWoman1984
There's a clumsy, insecure woman in the opening scenes.
"She's going to be a villain, isn't she?"
... checking Wikipedia...
Dang, why is it always the slightly imperfect characters that turn out to be huge jerks later on? Why can't a woman just be clumsy and Hollywood-unattractive without this being the backstory of her villainy?
150 millions pour 200 déboursés. Pas encore rentable le système. Le cinema a peut etre encore des choses a montrer...
#WonderWoman1984 se rapproche des 150 M$ alors qu'il va quitter HBO Max |
Still can't get over the fact that there is absolutely *no* connection to Orwell's #1984 in #WonderWoman1984.
(Granted, she whips two CCTV cameras to shreds in the early mall scene, but she lassoes a lot of stuff before and after.)
Why would you cite such an iconic year when it could just as well have been 1983 or '87?
Mind-boggling :blobthinkingeyes:
#wonderwoman1984 #movies #wonderwoman
Voilà ce que vous avez fait à tous le regarder ironiquement
Un troisième film #WonderWoman est annoncé !
Patty Jenkins sera de retour à la réalisation et au scénario, comme Gal Gadot dans le rôle de Diana Prince.
Une nouvelle encouragée par le bon démarrage de #WonderWoman1984 malgré la pandémie !