@oliphant EXACTLY!
Being able to 100% #SelfHost is a precondition for actual #FLOSS and why I #WontUse #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions.
#SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #wontuse #FLOSS #selfhost
@edv_nachrichten #NSAbook-#Accountzwang macht's zum #WontBuy & #WontUse!
#wontuse #WontBuy #Accountzwang #NSAbook
@jabberati @ekwikclasses yeah, but considering #GSPR & #BDSG, I #CantUse & #WontUse it...
@johanneskastl @opensuse Yeah, both are #WontUse for me like #MicrosoftTeams, #Facebook, #GoogleMeet, #Slack and other shitty #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions with inacceptable ToS and even worse UX.
Cuz I do want my discussions search- and indexable without having to use janky "archival" tools to shove in a function that is so fundamental that every tool serious about communications shoud have.
#SingleProvider #singlevendor #Slack #GoogleMeet #Facebook #MicrosoftTeams #wontuse