Herb bennet is also known as cloveroot, colewort, golden star, St Benedict's Herb, and wood avens.
It could be used to drive away evil spirits.
According to S. Theresa Dietz, if worn as an amulet, it could prevent attacks by dogs or venomous snakes.
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #PlantLore #Flowers #Folklore #FolkloreThursday #FolkloreBlog #HerbBennet #WoodAvens
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #PlantLore #flowers #folklore #folklorethursday #folkloreblog #herbbennet #woodavens
The seed head and flower of what I think might be a hybrid between Wood Avens (Geum urbanum) and Water avens (Geum rivale) as the flower is a buch yellower colour than the usual peachy/red colour of water avens. County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com Walking tours
#wildflowers #woodavens #wateravens #ireland