The photo shows the #light incidence from the small window at #sunset onto the wooden, modern carved wall and parts of the ceiling (sloping roof) in the „Room of Silence“ in the Hohenegg Private Clinic in #Meilen near #Zurich #Switzerland. Photographed with #iPhone13mini without post-processing.
#silentsunday #lightincidence #light #silence #silentroom #photogrpahy #sunset #woodenthings #room #interior #abstractart #mastoart #meditation
#light #sunset #Meilen #zurich #switzerland #iPhone13mini #silentsunday #lightincidence #silence #silentroom #photogrpahy #woodenthings #room #interior #abstractart #mastoart #meditation
Das Foto zeigt den #Lichteinfall vom kleinen Fenster bei #Sonnenuntergang auf die hölzerne, modern geschnitzte Wand und Teile der Raumdecke (Dachschräge) im „Raum der Stille“ in der Privatklinik Hohenegg in #Meilen bei #Zuerich. Fotografiert mit #iPhone13mini ohne Nachbearbeitung. #ruhigerSonntag
#silentsunday #lightincidence #light #silence #silentroom #photogrpahy #sunset #woodenthings #room #interior #abstractart #mastoart #fotografie #licht #Holz #Raum #Interieur #Meditation
#lichteinfall #sonnenuntergang #Meilen #zuerich #iPhone13mini #ruhigersonntag #silentsunday #lightincidence #light #silence #silentroom #photogrpahy #sunset #woodenthings #room #interior #abstractart #mastoart #fotografie #Licht #Holz #raum #interieur #meditation
Contd 😇
#JoyDivision #NewOrder #FactoryRecords #GoodHumans #Toys #RetroToys #Cats #Dogs #TheThreadEmoji #Cheese #Adidas
#Bonsai #ShadowsAndSmallTrees #Climate
#Wood #WoodenThings #AntiquesRoadTrip #MidCenturyFurniture #Repurposed #PreservationNotRestoration #w201 #sw20
#PublicEnemy #BeastieBoys #Lists 🙏
#joydivision #neworder #FactoryRecords #goodhumans #toys #retrotoys #cats #dogs #thethreademoji #cheese #adidas #bonsai #shadowsandsmalltrees #climate #wood #woodenthings #antiquesroadtrip #midcenturyfurniture #repurposed #preservationnotrestoration #w201 #sw20 #PublicEnemy #beastieboys #lists
Contd 😇
#JoyDivision #NewOrder #FactoryRecords #GoodHumans #TheThreadEmoji #Cheese
#Bonsai #ShadowsAndSmallTrees #Climate
#Wood #WoodenThings #AntiquesRoadTrip #MidCenturyFurniture #Repurposed #PreservationNotRestoration #w201 #sw20
#PublicEnemy #BeastieBoys #Lists 🙏
#joydivision #neworder #FactoryRecords #goodhumans #thethreademoji #cheese #bonsai #shadowsandsmalltrees #climate #wood #woodenthings #antiquesroadtrip #midcenturyfurniture #repurposed #preservationnotrestoration #w201 #sw20 #PublicEnemy #beastieboys #lists