@DrFreex I'm buying copies of every movie in #WoodlandsDarkAndDaysBewitched if I can find them! As I watched it I noticed that I had a disturbingly large number already though....
An aside, my brother and sister-in-law asked me to pick a movie something like two years ago and I picked #BrimstoneAndTreacle as one does, right? Yesterday at a brewpub my brother-in-law brought up the horror and repulsion they experienced viewing that film. I didn't realize I'd broken them!
#woodlandsdarkanddaysbewitched #brimstoneandtreacle
@hex #Horror taught me about #FolkHorror and also that #WoodlandsDarkAndDaysBewitched is a great documentary on the genera! My Plex has never been so terrifying.
TW #JugFace smacks you with incest in the first scene.
#horror #folkhorror #woodlandsdarkanddaysbewitched #jugface
MT VOID #2257: Film reviews of #WoodlandsDarkAndDaysBewitched #LovingHighsmith #PatriciaHighsmith #BrainwashedSexCameraPower, book comments on #TheIliad #Iliad #Homer at http://leepers.us/mtvoid/VOID0106.htm from @eleeper and #MarkRLeeper
#woodlandsdarkanddaysbewitched #LovingHighsmith #patriciahighsmith #brainwashedsexcamerapower #theiliad #iliad #homer #markrleeper