Hi, y'all, 47 years #organic #garden #farmer, dozens of soil types; #permaculture 44 yrs; #woodlot #ponds #orchard #flowers! #EarthRepair #editor #webwork
I like to boost (and maybe publish) good stories and photos about the evolution of good, green, abundant, and positive outcomes in relocalized food production for personal, family, neighborhood, town, and/or region, as well as the challenges arising from such efforts in the face of growing climate crisis.
#organic #garden #farmer #permaculture #woodlot #Ponds #Orchard #flowers #EarthRepair #editor #webwork
So, an #introduction. On the editorial guild of #Permaculture #Design Magazine since 1998, web manager. 50 years organic #Gardening, 40 yrs in Permaculture as practitioner, teacher, designer. #Homestead in MI. #Orchard & #woodlot manager. Low-energy home.
#Agroecology #AridPermaculture #UrbanPermaculture #UrbanForestry
#SeedSaving #FloodPrevention
#Wetlands #Watersheds #NaturalBuilding, #plants #politics, #ScienceFiction
#introduction #permaculture #design #gardening #homestead #Orchard #woodlot #EarthPepair #agroforestry #agroecology #AridPermaculture #UrbanPermaculture #UrbanForestry #urbanagriculture #WholisticManagement #seedsaving #FloodPrevention #wetlands #watersheds #naturalbuilding #plants #politics #sciencefiction
So, an introduction. On the editorial guild of #Permaculture #Design Magazine since 1998, web manager. 50 years organic #Gardening, 40 yrs in Permaculture as practitioner, teacher, designer. #Homestead in MI. #Orchard & #woodlot manager. Low-energy home w/ #solar. #Agroforestry, #aquaponics, #naturalbuilding, #TreePropagation #politics, #ScienceFiction, #books, #movies, and more.
FWIW, 1705 followers on Twitter, 3286 friends and followers on FB.
#permaculture #design #gardening #homestead #Orchard #woodlot #solar #agroforestry #aquaponics #naturalbuilding #TreePropagation #politics #sciencefiction #books #movies