Mit ihrer feinen Körnung sieht Lepidoniscus minutus schon sehr schick aus. Sie lebt in Laubwäldern oder an Felshängen unter Moos und Steinen. Ich habe sie bisher leider erst einmal gefunden.
#natur #artenvielfalt #Crustacea #nature #Asseln #isopoda #arthropods #woodlouse #assel
#natur #Artenvielfalt #crustacea #nature #asseln #isopoda #arthropods #woodlouse #assel
@winduptoy #Hugelkultur is wonderful. Feeding the wood bits to the soil building team in the garden is way greener than burning it. #Garden, #KeepItInTheGround, #Vegetables,#WoodLouse, #Biodiversity, #NativePlants, #Minnesota, #CarbonStorage
#hugelkultur #garden #keepitintheground #vegetables #woodlouse #biodiversity #nativeplants #minnesota #carbonstorage
Today is the first day of 30 Days Wild, the Wildlife Trusts' annual attempt to persuade people to interact with nature more and in more constructive ways. I got mine in early when I rescued a large Common Shiny Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus aka cheesybug) from 2 metres up my kitchen wall and gave it a ride outside to some creeping thyme. The photo of my garden shows Ysgorpionllys (forget-me-nots) under abundant Pig yr Aran y Weirgoldd (Garanbig y Weirgoldd or meadow cranesbill) sheltering the Cenhinen Drichornel / Garlleg Trionglog (three-cornered leek).
There are 30 ideas for interacting with nature in this .pdf (sorry I couldn't find a more accessible list):
#30DaysWild #WildlifeTrusts #Arthropods #Woodlouse #Woodlice #gardening #wildflowers
#30dayswild #WildlifeTrusts #arthropods #woodlouse #Woodlice #gardening #wildflowers
L'an dernier, nous avions eu droit à un #cloporte de compagnie parce que les enfants sont formidables. 🙄
J'avais trouvé que l'idée avait au moins le mérite d'être originale. Bon. Je me trompais. Il y a certaines tendances que je n'avais pas vu passer :
Aïe, je pense que nous aurons bientôt droit à un nouveau terrarium…
A common pygmy woodlouse (Trichoniscus pusillus agg.) walking towards a feathery fungal fruiting body on a decaying log.
#SoilFauna #SoilEcology #MacroPhotography #SoilBiodiversity #Isopoda #Woodlouse
#SoilFauna #soilecology #Macrophotography #SoilBiodiversity #Isopoda #woodlouse
Beefy chonker.
#CreepyCrawlies #BackyardCritters #WoodLouse
#woodlouse #backyardcritters #creepycrawlies
again i have to say it.
isopods are so damn cute!
#isopods #bugs #IncredibleIsopods #RolyPoly #ArmadilloBug #woodlouse #CheeseLog #PeaBug #slater #PotatoBug #doodlebug #SowBug #CheesyBobs #ChiselPig #PillBug #YesTheseAreAllReal
#isopods #bugs #incredibleisopods #rolypoly #armadillobug #woodlouse #cheeselog #peabug #slater #potatobug #doodlebug #sowbug #cheesybobs #chiselpig #pillbug #yestheseareallreal
@PeerCommunityIn Now published in Peer Community Journal, #ecology section! Deleterious effects of thermal and #waterstresses on life history and physiology: a case study on #woodlouse
#ecology #waterstresses #woodlouse
Do you think that if you've seen one woodlouse then you've seen them all? I certainly used to, but then I started doing macrophotography and a whole new world of woodlice opened up to me!
Thanks to my macrophotography I even found a new woodlouse species to England! A report on that here:
#Woodlouse #SoilBiodiversity #Isopod #Isopoda #SoilFauna #Arthropod #WorldBeneathYourFeet #MacroPhotography
#woodlouse #SoilBiodiversity #isopod #Isopoda #SoilFauna #arthropod #WorldBeneathYourFeet #Macrophotography
New on the Animal Toy Blog. Review of the magnificent Common Pillbug by Sofubi Toy Box (Kaiyodo):
#animaltoyblog #isopod #pillbug #woodlouse #Woodlice #toy
Androniscus dentiger habe ich bisher erst einmal gefunden. Sie lebt in Geröllhalden, alten Steinbrüchen und ähnlichen Lebensräumen.
#natur #artenvielfalt #tiere #Crustacea #tierfotos #nature #naturephoto #NaturePhotography #Asseln #isopoda #krabbelviecher #arthropods #woodlouse
#natur #Artenvielfalt #tiere #crustacea #Tierfotos #nature #naturephoto #naturephotography #asseln #isopoda #krabbelviecher #arthropods #woodlouse
This #woodlouse (#Armadillidium nasatum) literally crossed my path today.
#photography #photo #nature #crustacean #crustacea #wildlifephotography #wildlife #macro #macrophotography #naturephotography #rolypoly #arthropod
#rolypoly #arthropod #armadillidium #naturephotography #macrophotography #macro #wildlife #wildlifephotography #crustacea #crustacean #nature #photo #photography #woodlouse