Man, Michael Lang was still playing his cards close to his chest and pretending Woodstock '99 wasn't so bad, and John Scher is acting like the old neighborhood "get off my lawn" guy blaming it on kids being afraid of growing up and having to have responsibility.
One thing I clearly remember when I got there on Thursday was the price of water. I don't remember the exact prices but I remember being SHOCKED at how expensive everything was.
Watching the rest of the TRAINWRECK Woodstock '99 documentary.
I didn't stick around for the end so I missed the drama. In fact it was so fucking hot on day one I decided to leave, and I sold my weekend pass to a dude sleeping on my brother's lawn.
I watched everything on a cheater cable box I had from my air-conditioned living room.
In fact that reason I was there in the first place is another story.
Just watched episode 1 of Trainwreck, the Woodstock '99 documentary.
I was there.
Ny instans! Alla gamla meddelanden har gått förlorade så börjar på ny kula genom att göra reklam för mitt senaste blogginlägg (som ni såklart redan läst då).
#festival #boktips #woodstock99 #bloggosfaren
#woodstock99 en #girlgroupsvboysbands
Met #area7 komen we aan onze laatste band opgericht in '99. En starten we aan een nieuw #millenium, de nullies.
En laat dit nu toch wel met een sisser aflopen en ons duidelijk maken dat vrouwen en iedereen die anders is dan de witte hetero macho, nog een lange weg zullen moeten afleggen in het ten volle aanvaard te worden binnen de maatschappij. Ook door vrouwen.
We zien terug een ruk naar rechts, wat met de zwarte zondag in België al duidelijk was,
#numetal #woodstock99 #girlgroupsvboysbands #area7 #millenium
Trainwreck: Woodstock '99.
Iedereen heeft de documentaire ondertussen wel gezien. En jammer genoeg zegt deze documentaire alles over hoe vele mannen in die periode vrouwen behandelden.
Ondanks al 3 #FemistischeGolven en de 4de die in aantocht is dankzij sociale media en internet, waar meer mensen lotgenoten bereiken maar meer hierover later.
Woodstock dus... #Peace #Love #Happiness...
En bekijk dan de onderstaande foto eens goed. En wat zie je?
#woodstock99 #femistischegolven #peace #love #happiness
Imagine if they'd tried to do Woodstock '99, in the age of social media...
"The presence of the Pay-per-View cameras encouraged festival-goers to show off with increasingly wild behaviour. It just became like this crazy human zoo."
#Trainwreck: Woodstock '99
#davidblaustein #trainwreck #woodstock99
Break Stuff intensifies
#limpbizkit #freddurst #woodstock #Woodstock99 #armyofdarkness #theevildead #evildead #SamRaimi #movie #movies #rock #rocknroll #numetal
#limpbizkit #freddurst #woodstock #woodstock99 #armyofdarkness #theevildead #evildead #samraimi #movie #movies #rock #rocknroll #numetal
Here's a Random Notes from a Crank post about the #goodbyetwitter migration to #Mastodon, a question from my daughter about #Woodstock99, and cheap #bourbon. #blog #blogpost
#goodbyetwitter #Mastodon #woodstock99 #bourbon #blog #blogpost
Saw #Trainwreck the #documentary about #Woodstock99 and how it went terribly wrong.
I was 28 at the time and had no interest in the lineup of numetal bands and Kid Rock. I knew it would be a violent scene in the pits.
They try to blame everything that happened on generational differences when it was the total lack of infrastructure at the event and the greedy Boomer aged event runners that were the problems.
#trainwreck #woodstock99 #film #documentary #music
#PopRock #Rock #Music #Musique #Música #Documentaries #TrainwreckWoodstock99 #Woodstock99 #RedHotChiliPeppers #Fire
Sobre los RHCP, el documental parece insinuar que RHCP tocaron esta versión de Hendrix adrede, para «echar más leña al fuego», aunque ellos afirman que no, como explica este artículo:
#poprock #rock #music #musique #musica #documentaries #trainwreckwoodstock99 #woodstock99 #redhotchilipeppers #fire
PopRock #Rock #Music #Musique #Música #Documentaries #TrainwreckWoodstock99 #Woodstock99 #RedHotChiliPeppers #Fire
Sobre los RHCP, el documental parece insinuar que RHCP tocaron esta versión de Hendrix adrede, para «echar más leña al fuego», aunque ellos afirman que no, como explica este artículo:
#woodstock99 #redhotchilipeppers #fire #rock #music #musique #musica #documentaries #trainwreckwoodstock99
#PopRock #Rock #Music #Musique #Música #DocumentaryFilm #TrainwreckWoodstock99 #Woodstock99 #GREED #RedHotChiliPeppers #Fire
Un festival que prometía el cielo y acabó siendo el infierno por obra y gracia de la codicia. Buen documental de Netflix que muchos habréis visto, Fiasco total: Woodstock 99.
#poprock #rock #music #musique #musica #documentaryfilm #trainwreckwoodstock99 #woodstock99 #greed #redhotchilipeppers #fire
#Woodstock99 just a bunch of kids living in the moment, not a cellphone in sight.
Different times, man. Different times.
#Woodstock99 doku einfach allegorie über den zustand der welt: profit, ausbeutung, denial und detachment trifft + toxische maskulinität, misogynie und rage = es brennt.