The idea of the Wood Wide Web - that trees communicate with each other via a network of symbiotic fungi in their roots - has become increasingly popular over the last few years. But turns out it might be entirely false.
A fascinating read by some of the very people who helped spread that idea in the first place. Now this is science.
#science #scied #PopScience #woodwideweb #fungi #popsci
The Tyee: Detangling the Debate on the ‘Wood Wide Web’ #bcnews #TheTyee - via #TheHiddenLifeofTreesbook #NatureEcology&Evolution #NewPhytologistjournal #mycorrhizalnetworks #PeterWohlleben #SuzanneSimard #JustineKarst #Mothertrees #TomKimmerer #woodwideweb
#BCNews #TheTyee #thehiddenlifeoftreesbook #natureecology #newphytologistjournal #mycorrhizalnetworks #peterwohlleben #suzannesimard #justinekarst #mothertrees #tomkimmerer #woodwideweb
I climbed a tree to get on top of the wood wide web to post my message! Have a happy Saturday 🐶🌳💙
#dogwalk #dogsthatexplore #idigthis #fluffydog #dogsftwitter #saltywavedog #DogLover #woodwideweb #treehugger #dogsofmastodon
#dogsofmastodon #treehugger #woodwideweb #doglover #saltywavedog #dogsftwitter #fluffydog #idigthis #dogsthatexplore #dogwalk
It turns out plants communicate with each other. For example trees communicate via the Wood Wide Web (Mycelium network) (Wild Isles. Attenbourgh).
They also communicate with predators of those that eat them such as calling birds to come eat the caterpillars munching their leaves & cut grass smell is the grass screaming (One of the watches, Springwatch etc. Chris Packham).
#trees #plants #communication #fungi #woodwideweb #mycelium #attenborough #packham
I found this very interesting - and a bit sad.....
"A team of mycorrhizal researchers has discovered some painful truths about these fungal connections we have all come to be fascinated with. Justine Karst breaks down the myths and misconceptions about Common Mycorrhizal Networks (CMN), and the pain it caused her to do so."
Who doesn’t love a bit of #fungi..?! 🍄😎
#nature #NaturePhotography #wildlife #woodland #fungus #FantasticFungi #WildIsles @BBC #WoodWideWeb #macro #macrophotography #NorthernIreland
#fungi #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #woodland #fungus #fantasticfungi #wildisles #woodwideweb #macro #macrophotography #northernireland
Fakt oder Wunschvorstellung? Das mit #Baumwurzeln verknüpfte Pilzgeflecht im #Waldboden soll wahre Wunderdinge leisten: Die #Mykorrhiza dient den #Waldbäumen als Kommunikationsnetzwerk, als Transportweg für Nährstoffe und als Versorgungsleitung zwischen alten #Bäumen und Jungpflanzen – so das in Büchern und Medien propagierte Bild des pilzlichen „#WoodWideWeb“. Doch wie fundiert sind diese Behauptungen? Das haben Mykorrhizaforscher jetzt genauer überprüft. #Wald
#botanik ➡️
#baumwurzeln #waldboden #Mykorrhiza #waldbaumen #baumen #woodwideweb #wald #botanik
“All three of us have papers that, if we were writing them today, we would not say the same things,”
The #WoodWideWeb may not be as conclusive as originally thought. #forest #trees #ecology #science
#science #ecology #trees #forest #woodwideweb
Do trees really ‘talk’ to each other through underground fungal networks? | Folio
#nature #trees #fungus #fungi #woodwideweb
I love it when this leafless orchid pops up in #SevenHillsBushlandReserve. Without much photosynthesis, Hyacinth Orchid (Dipodium variegatum) probably trades nutrients and energy with underground #fungi and the roots of nearby #Eucalyptus trees. Just what it offers in return is a bit of a mystery. One idea is that it protects fungi of the genus Russula. Another is that it may give back nutrients when associated trees are under stress. All part of the #WoodWideWeb. #nature #australia #flora
#sevenhillsbushlandreserve #fungi #eucalyptus #woodwideweb #nature #australia #flora
Posted a message to the wood wide web during my walk 🌲🐕 The trunk call was made on Sunday 🐶 It should reach you all soon 🌿 Have a Pawsome week 💙
#dogwalk #dog #saltywavedog #dogsofmastodon #doglover #dogsthatexplore #dogs #dogoftheday #treelovers #woodwideweb #trunkcall
#trunkcall #woodwideweb #treelovers #dogoftheday #dogs #dogsthatexplore #doglover #dogsofmastodon #saltywavedog #dog #dogwalk
Here are some of the communities; fandoms & things I love:
I live with multiple #DynamicDisablity (ies) including #FND , #CRPS , #ADHD , #Fibromyalgia (and a few others!). The #NEISVoid has been an incredible support. I’m #HighRiskCovid19 and recovering from a recent infection. I’m apart of the #NeurodiverseSquad . 2/2
#goodomens #neilgaiman #discworld #studioghibli #disney #auslit #ya #animalcrossing #pokemon #nevermoor #postcrossing #crochet #DisneyDreamlightValley #woodwideweb #dynamicdisablity #fnd #crps #adhd #fibromyalgia #NEISvoid #HighRiskCovid19 #neurodiversesquad
Stories about the #woodwideweb may be overstated (although I do hope evidence ends up confirming them). #forest #ecology #ecosystems #fungi #trees #science
#science #trees #fungi #ecosystems #ecology #forest #woodwideweb
#blackandwhite #photography #neurological #woodwideweb #trees
#trees #woodwideweb #neurological #photography #blackandwhite
Das #WoodWideWeb ist das Internet des Waldes. Die „Lan-Verbindungen“ bestehen aus feinen Pilzfäden, die sich durch den gesamten #Waldboden ziehen. Sie verknüpfen #Bäume, Sträucher und die meisten höheren Pflanzen miteinander. Ein reger Austausch an Nährstoffen, Wasser und Botenstoffen findet in den dünnen Leitungen der #Pilzhyphen statt
#Wald #Wälder
#woodwideweb #waldboden #baume #pilzhyphen #wald #walder
Gift article: NYT #trees #WoodWideWeb
Are trees talking underground ?
" as the wood-wide web’s popularity has soared both inside and outside scientific circles, a skeptical reaction has evolved." Read on ...
Het bekijken waard, ook al wordt er ergens gezegd dat wij mensen afstammen van bomen. Dat is natuurlijk kolder. We hebben een gemeenschappelijke voorouder. Maar misschien heb ik het verkeerd gehoord.
*Tegenlicht: In de ban van het bos*
"Bossen maken de aarde en het klimaat leefbaar en stimuleren biodiversiteit. Toch blijven we ze op grote schaal kappen: vorig jaar nog twaalf miljoen hectare bos. Hoe gaan we om met onze oeroude bomen, en kan dat niet anders? In deze eerste aflevering van het nieuwe seizoen staat de oeroude intelligentie van bomen en bossen centraal. …"
English: Only narration is in Dutch. All interviews are in English.
#WoodWideWeb #bomen #bos #schimmels #klimaatverandering #VPROtegenlicht #documentaire %%%
#documentaire #vprotegenlicht #klimaatverandering #schimmels #bos #bomen #woodwideweb