reprise : Journal de bord des Vagues #Woolf #traduction
Enorme claque : Un lieu à soi, de Virginia #Woolf.
Texte hybride entre essai et roman, d'une ampleur que j'imaginais pas (sur l'histoire de la littérature notamment anglaise mais pas que, sur l'écriture et la vie). Il n'est pas sous-côté bien sûr, mais franchement les extraits et les résumés ne lui rendent pas justice. Meilleures retrouvailles avec l'écriture de Woolf.
#féminisme #mastolivre #lecture
#lecture #mastolivre #feminisme #woolf
« Aphra #Behn (1640-1689), dramaturge et traductrice anglaise, sera la première femme à vivre de son écriture et de ses traductions. Dans son essai "Une chambre à soi" ("A Room of One’s Own", 1929), l’auteure féministe anglaise Virginia #Woolf écrit que "toutes les femmes ensemble devraient laisser des fleurs tomber sur la tombe d’Aphra Behn, car c’est elle qui leur a valu le droit de s’exprimer". La vie d’Aphra Behn est un véritable roman. […] » #traductrices #autrices
#behn #woolf #traductrices #autrices
La #Woolf mi ricorda che l'arma di seduzione definitiva è parlare delle cose più banali con quell'aria di poesia che ti fa chiedere come sia essere la moglie di una donna poeta.
Ma comunque. Andiamo avanti.
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Una buena novela. Virginia Woolf
Una buena novela es cualquier novela que le hace a uno pensar o sentir. Tiene que meter el cuchillo entre junturas del cuero con el que la mayoría de nosotros estamos recubiertos. Tiene que ponerno…
GMB row erupts as Ed Balls hits out at guest over banning NHS staff from coronation
#gmb #balls #NHS #coronation #woolf #reid #okorocha
<< La vida es sueño; el despertar es lo que nos mata. >>
- Virginia #Woolf -
Elizabeth Taylor – Thing of Beauty
#afraid... #antony #Burton #cat #Classic #Cleopatra #clift #COME #county #Dean #elizabeth #giant #Hollywood #home #hot #In #ivanhoe #James #Lassie #last #Liz #Mark #Montgomery #movie #National #newman #OF #on #Paul #Place #raintree #Richard #Robert #roof #star #suddenly #summer #SUN #Taylor #THE #tin #Velvet #virgina #who's #woolf #エリザベス・テイラー
#afraid #ANTONY #burton #cat #classic #cleopatra #clift #come #county #dean #elizabeth #giant #hollywood #home #hot #in #ivanhoe #james #lassie #last #liz #mark #montgomery #movie #national #newman #of #on #paul #place #raintree #richard #robert #roof #star #suddenly #summer #sun #taylor #the #tin #velvet #virgina #who #woolf #エリザベス・テイラー
Online de podcast die Jan Jaap Hubeek van "Meesterwerk" met mij opnam: over #Korczak #Dewey #Arendt #Verhoeven (Cornelis) en #Woolf
#pedagogiek #filosofie #boeken #literatuur #lezen #verzamelen
#korczak #dewey #arendt #verhoeven #woolf #pedagogiek #filosofie #boeken #literatuur #lezen #verzamelen
'“Everything seems to mean so much,” said Sandra. But with the sound of her own voice the spell was broken.' Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room
January 1, 2023 is Public Domain Day: Works from 1927 will be open to all! #Woolf ⭐ #Hemingway ⭐ #Christie ⭐ #Proust ⭐ & more!
#PublicDomainDay2023 #PublicDomain #Copyright #literature #OpenKnowledge
#woolf #hemingway #christie #proust #publicdomainday2023 #publicdomain #copyright #literature #openknowledge
She felt glad that he had done it; thrown it away while they went on living. The clock was striking. The leaden circles dissolved in the air. But she must go back. She must assemble. She must find Sally and Peter. And she came in from the little room.
#woolf #mrsdalloway #NYRB
Spelende Drentse wolvenwelpen voor het eerst te zien op beeld
#Wolf #Wolven #Wolves #WolfCubs #WolfPuppies #WolfCub #WolfPuppy #WolfCubs #WolfPup #Woolf #Whoohoohoolf
#wolf #wolven #wolves #wolfcubs #wolfpuppies #wolfcub #wolfpuppy #wolfpup #woolf #whoohoohoolf
Hello! I’m Allyson. Passionate reader and artist, hella liberal knitter from NJ. Obsessed with Emily Dickinson, the Brontë sisters, and Virginia Woolf. Silent films with live music and gardens are where I wander. UX designer by day. #introduction #artist #knitting #bronte #woolf #dickinson #gardening #silentfilm #Reading #ux
#introduction #artist #knitting #bronte #woolf #dickinson #gardening #silentfilm #Reading #ux
journal de bord des Vagues -105 ["j’aurais peut-être pu devenir, qui sait, n’importe qui"] #traduction #Woolf #LesVagues #paragraphe par #paragraphe
#traduction #woolf #lesvagues #paragraphe
„And here it would seem from some ambiguity in her terms that she was censuring both sexes equally, as if she belonged to neither; and indeed, for the time being she seemed to vacillate; she was man; she was woman; she knew the secrets, shared the weaknesses of each. It was a most bewildering and whirligig state of mind to be in. The comforts of ignorance seemed utterly denied her. She was a feather blown on the gale.“
#neuhier und sowohl neugierig als auch orientierungslos, sonst interessiert an #radfahren in der Stadt, #recht & #gerechtigkeit, #queerfeminismus …
Versuche mich hier langsam zurechtzufinden, jetzt erstmal langes Wochenende mit #frauenlesen und Virginia #woolf 💜
#neuhier #radfahren #Recht #gerechtigkeit #queerfeminismus #frauenlesen #woolf