"Analysis shows non-native cover is rising in the Santa Monica Mountains without the influence of fire since 2014, with compounding effects after the 2018 Woolsey Fire"
#woolseyfire #SantaMonica #nonnative #plantspecies
#woolseyfire #santamonica #nonnative #plantspecies
#Lizards in fire-prone ecosystems not only detect the #fires by smelling (https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arab010), they can also hear it!
*Lizards' response to the sound of fire is modified by fire history*
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.12.002 (#OA) | in Animal Behaviour by Álvarez-Ruiz et al. (#CIDE #CSIC)
Fence lizard, #Sceloporus occidentalis, 2018 #WoolseyFire
#AnimalBehavior #fireecology #lizard @wildfirescience #openaccess
#openaccess #lizard #fireecology #animalbehavior #woolseyfire #Sceloporus #CSIC #CIDE #oa #fires #lizards
We're very happy to have a chapter in this new Cambridge University Press book on responses to natural disasters, an adaptation of our 2020 Louisiana Law Review article. This is especially poignant this weekend, the 4th anniversary of the #WoolseyFire and its aftermath that I document here.
#lawprofs #LawFedi #climatechange #lawschools #justice #naturaldisaster #law #policy
And getting real live, physical books in the mail just makes me giddy.
#policy #law #naturaldisaster #Justice #lawschools #ClimateChange #lawfedi #lawprofs #woolseyfire
Melissa Bumstead, Oct. 3, 2018, speaks before delivering petition demanding SSFL cleanup to now Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom’s campaign headquarters in Los Angeles.
• Activists say Gov.-elect Newsom is key to a full cleanup of SSFL.
–Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #SSFL
• DTSC, DOE, NASA and Boeing all have resisted full cleanup of SSFL.
• Save for KNBC Channel 4, most media discount the toxic stew released from Rocketdyne and refuse to acknowledge that the fire started on the site, not “near” it.
–Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
"Testing SSFL Area IV plants for phytoremediation potential also utilizing control plant specimens." –Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #SSFL
2014 Department of Energy illustration of how SSFL plants suck up radiation and chemicals.
#WoolseyFire #DOE #NASA #Boeing #SSFL #SimiValley #SFV
#woolseyfire #doe #nasa #boeing #ssfl #simivalley #sfv
"Area I Burn Pits were in 2018 Rocketdyne fire path."
–Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #Rocketdyne #SSFL #VenturaCounty
#woolseyfire #rocketdyne #ssfl #venturacounty
"Fire swept through Area I Burn Pit with high levels of 17 radionuclides and the most deadly form of dioxin, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, at 2,684.4 times its normal background."
–Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #SSFL #VenturaCounty #LosAngeles
#woolseyfire #ssfl #venturacounty #losangeles
"Department of Energy (DOE) reports from 2014 document the high levels of chlorinated dioxins/furans, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), silver, cadmium and lead in its vegetation."
–Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #SSFL #VenturaCounty #LosAngeles
#woolseyfire #ssfl #venturacounty #losangeles
"At least 84 percent of SSFL burned launching approximately 43,272 tons of radioactive and chemically-impacted ash and smoke into the air."
–Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #SSFL #VenturaCounty #LosAngeles
#woolseyfire #ssfl #venturacounty #losangeles
In the article, "Smoke Screen – Woolsey Fire Contamination Cover-up," Michael Collins explores in depth eleven (11) points of information.
First of all #WoolseyFire should have been called #RocketdyneFire "to be accurate and to warn the public about the smoke coming their way."
📷🌎🔥 NASA Terra Satellite image of smoke plume from Woolsey Fire. Nov. 9, 2018
#WoolseyFire #VenturaCounty #SimiValley #ThousandOaks #LosAngeles #Calabasas #MalibuFire
#woolseyfire #venturacounty #simivalley #thousandoaks #losangeles #calabasas #malibufire
"[T]he real questions the public wants answered are
1) Was my family exposed to harmful radiation and chemicals from SSFL?
2) How could this have happened? and
3) What can I do about it now to mitigate it and so this doesn’t happen again?"
–Michael Collins
#WoolseyFire #SSFL
"That statement, and subsequent statements issued by DTSC as to the harmlessness of the smoke and ash, are unsubstantiated and at odds with the truth." –Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #SSFL #Rocketdyne #DTSC #CAFires
#woolseyfire #ssfl #rocketdyne #dtsc #cafires
"The Woolsey Fire started about 2:24 pm Nov. 8 on one of the most contaminated places in the state, the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), commonly known as Rocketdyne, site of the nation’s worst partial nuclear reactor meltdown in 1959." –Michael Collins
#WoolseyFire #SSFL
"The Woolsey Fire was named after a reported fire-origin address 1.9 miles away and in another county. It should have been called the Rocketdyne Fire to be accurate and to warn the public about the smoke coming their way." –Michael Collins
#WoolseyFire #RocketdyneFire #SSFL
#woolseyfire #rocketdynefire #ssfl
Government covers up #WoolseyFire launching 43,272 tons of #Rocketdyne contamination into air.
"That’s over 43,272 tons of smoke particulate settling on thousands of properties in the shadow of #SSFL. The toxic smoke & ash landed all over Southern California ..." –Michael Collins
#woolseyfire #rocketdyne #ssfl
🚨 THREAD 🔥 Spread the word. 👍🏼
Smoke Screen – Woolsey Fire Contamination Cover-up
by Michael Collins, EnviroReporter
#WoolseyFire #RocketdyneFire #MalibuFire #SSFL
⚠️🔎 https://www.enviroreporter.com/2018/11/smoke-screen-woolsey-fire-contamination-cover-up/
#woolseyfire #rocketdynefire #malibufire #ssfl
RT @KateOHareWrites@twitter.com: I went up Kanan Dume today to see the aftermath of the #WoolseyFire ... and this is just a sliver of the true devastation. #lafire #MalibuFire
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KateOHareWrites/status/1066902813718892545
#woolseyfire #lafire #malibufire