Australian company has made a #woolymammoth #meatball. The meatball was cultured from DNA from frozen mammoths.
New (old) woolly mammoths to drop in 2027. #WoolyMammoth
New (old) woolly mammoths to drop in 2027. #WoolyMammoth
The one in front is an American #Mastodon. The one in the middle is a modern elephant. The one in the rear is a #WoolyMammoth
The one in front is an American #Mastodon. The one in the middle is a modern elephant. The one in the rear is a #WoolyMammoth.
Hackaday Links: October 9, 2022
#2022Superconference #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #de-extinction #hackadaylinks #woolymammoth #HackerTrain #helicopter #Ingenuity #Lufthansa #airtags #Martian #Slider #drone #heist #dodo #atm #cia
#2022Superconference #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #de #woolymammoth #HackerTrain #helicopter #Ingenuity #lufthansa #AirTags #martian #slider #drone #heist #DODO #ATM #cia
Hackaday Links: October 9, 2022 - Don’t you just hate it when you walk out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck t... - #2022superconference #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #de-extinction #woolymammoth #hackertrain #helicopter #ingenuity #lufthansa #airtags #martian #slider #drone #heist #dodo #atm #cia
#cia #atm #dodo #heist #drone #slider #martian #airtags #lufthansa #ingenuity #helicopter #hackertrain #woolymammoth #de #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #2022superconference