The legislation website for #Victoria ( appears to require #Javascript from Goog'e and Amaz'n to function?
At any rate it doesn't work in TorBrowser in Safest Mode so that is just very, very poor.
If we were good at prosecuting a case we would probably charge them for treason.
#governmentFails #australia #woopsie #makeJavascriptOptional
#victoria #javascript #governmentfails #australia #woopsie #makejavascriptoptional
Learn How To Pilot That Thing: Family Drone Photo Gone Wrong #howhardcanthesethingsreallybeihadanr/ccarasakid #flyingaroundhavingaterribletime #thatwasntsupposedtohappen #whatiswrongwithyou? #needsmorepractice #takingpictures #youdiditwrong #photography #yeahyoudid #christmas #lookout! #woopsie #smooth #drone #duck! #video
#howhardcanthesethingsreallybeihadanr #flyingaroundhavingaterribletime #thatwasntsupposedtohappen #whatiswrongwithyou #needsmorepractice #takingpictures #youdiditwrong #photography #yeahyoudid #christmas #lookout #woopsie #smooth #drone #duck #video
A Compilation Of People Running Into Things/Falling/Crashing While Texting #somepeoplejustwerentmadeformulti-tasking #publicserviceannoucement #smartphonesdumbpeople #crashingintothings #donttextanddrive #hurtingyourself #compilation #safetyfirst #safetylast #accidents #falling #texting #walking #woopsie #video #ouch #psa
#somepeoplejustwerentmadeformulti #publicserviceannoucement #smartphonesdumbpeople #crashingintothings #donttextanddrive #hurtingyourself #compilation #safetyfirst #safetylast #accidents #falling #texting #walking #woopsie #video #ouch #psa