I've just lost an hour's worth of work!!!...my daughter came into my library office and asked for a Bible to point something out...(she's pagan ...AF)...I pointed her to it on one of my shelf's ...the very moment she took hold of it and pulled the nonsensical tome off my shelf we had a power cut 😬😂
It’s a bloke… 🙄
#LGBwithoutTheT #DropTheTQ #GenderIdeology #woowoo
#lgbwithoutthet #dropthetq #genderideology #woowoo
Tarot & astrology readings—20% off if you order this weekend. Code is MASTOMAG (that's an oh in the middle not a zero).
#Tarot #Astrology #smallbusinesssaturday #woowoo
There's nowt new in archaeological woowoo.
Well worth watching these BBC Horizon programmes from 1999 & 2000 which shredded the same nonsense!!!
#archaeology #ancientapocalypse #woowoo
There's nowt new in archaeological woowoo. Well worth watching this BBC Horizon programme from 1999 which shredded the same nonsense!!!
#archaeology #ancientapocalypse #woowoo
Talk #WooWoo To Me: A #Supernatural #Podcast hosted by Athena Rodriguez.
Check out the #trailer for our newest podcast anywhere you find your favorite #podcasts and HypotheticalComedy.com
#hypothetical #comedy #spirituality #medium #tarot #comedian #podcaster #paranormal
#introducing #woowoo #supernatural #podcast #trailer #podcasts #spotify #hypothetical #comedy #spirituality #medium #tarot #comedian #podcaster #paranormal
Anyway, recent events are very Mars retrograde in Gemini, which is pinging my natal Mercury in Gemini (my 10th house) and Virgo ascendant. If you know you know. Hiiiiiiiii @IcaFernandez
I forgot to mention in my introduction that I’m also super into #gardening, #sustainability #earthship #biotecture #foodforests #tarot, #oracles #meditation #reiki and pretty much all #witchy #woowoo stuff 🧹
#gardening #sustainability #earthship #biotecture #foodforests #tarot #Oracles #meditation #reiki #witchy #woowoo
I have gently been working with #OracleCards again lately, for myself, my buyme a coffee, for friends. I started working with #Tarot when I was 16, later came #AngelCards, then #OracleCards. I’m not a big #WooWoo person despite also being a #ReikiMaster, but always love my cards. So I drew a daily Card for #Mastodon, and it’s crazily spot on ✨
#oraclecards #tarot #AngelCards #woowoo #ReikiMaster #mastodon
just contemplating the term "source of truth" in a "post-truth" world. there is a part of me that has some very #woowoo beliefs and one of them is a concept that some people call "consensus reality" where the belief and reality concentrated becomes reality reguardless of how it might appear on the outside but i'm not explaining it well enough to keep rolling.
data warehouse: source of truth
i'm sorry, source of…truth, was it?
A 4:17 min video on a different perspective on "the energy" of the pandemic, and what one can do about it.
Trigger warning: #woowoo if it doesn't make sense to you, that's OK, just continue on....
Driving trains and smokin' cannabis, what can go wrong? #TrainsGood #PlanesBad #WooWOO!
RT @Dr_Revelator@twitter.activitypub.actor
Stay Home and Pretend to Drive Trains #WithMe | Acela Express from Philly to NYC https://youtu.be/CzQwyo5USFgDr
#trainsgood #planesbad #woowoo #WithMe
@ChrisWilson I think on r/conspiracy I just read about some correlation with the burnt lands and the railway they've been working on for years now... Basically, the fires were planned to clear space for the rails... Didn't look too deeply into it but I'll keep it in mind.