Like check this out! There's a program called #FocusWriter that lets you make *your own damn themes*. How cool is that? And not by inserting obscure hex codes in a config file in a dignified manner, but like... with a graphic interface.
I love #wordgrinder. We've been through a lot together. A hella lot. We've cried. We've laughed. We've cringed. We've swooned. But how can I *not* write werewolf fiction without moody themes like this? Come on! I'm only human...
#focuswriter #wordgrinder #writingtech #writingtools
Édite et formate ton texte dans un #terminal #linux avec le traitement de texte #wordgrinder . [echap] pour accéder au menu. [Ctrl]+[P] pour définir les titres. [Ctrl]+[G] pour naviguer entre les chapitres. Exporte/importe en #odt , #html ...
#html #odt #wordgrinder #linux #terminal