I sorted out my renewal for The Athletic today and got a free year of NYT Games, so...
Wordle 706 3/6
Wordle 706 3/6
#wordle #wordle706 #nytimes #dailywordleclub @nytimes #lfgsd #bringthegold
#bringthegold #lfgsd #dailywordleclub #nytimes #wordle706 #Wordle
Wordle 706 3/6
#wordle #wordle706 #nytimes #dailywordleclub @nytimes #lfgsd #bringthegold
#Wordle #wordle706 #nytimes #DailyWordleClub #lfgsd #bringthegold
Wordle 706 5/6*
#Wordle706 #Wordle
Frustrating when you play well but random chance lowers the result.
Before coffee 😞
Wordle 706 6/6*
#Wordle #Wordle706
Wordle 706 4/6
So close to a 2 but nooooo, it's another 4!!
#Wordle #Wordle706
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#Wordle #wordle706 #WordleWarriors #wordlebuddies #Dailywordle #Dailywordleclub
#Wordle #wordle706 #wordlewarriors #wordlebuddies #dailywordle #DailyWordleClub
#Wordle #Wordle5 #WordleEN #WordleEnglish #wordle706
I'm sure Wordle is sentient. It seems whenever there are a few possibilities, it's always the LAST one I choose!
Wordle 706 4/6
#Wordle706 #Wordle #dailywordleclub Wordle 706 4/6*
#wordle706 #Wordle #DailyWordleClub