Digits #84 (15/15⭐)
56 (56) ✖➕➕
123 (123) ✖➕➖➖
269 (269) ✖➗➖➕➖
344 (344) ➖➕✖➕
492 (492) ➕✖➗➖➖
Wordle 743 5/6
#digits #digits84 #wordle #wordle743
Not bad considering the start
Wordle 743 3/6*
#Wordle #Wordle743
I've gone green even though I'm not rolling.
#Wordle 743 3/6*
Wordle 743 4/6
#Wordle #WordleResults #WordPuzzle #Wordle743
#Wordle #wordleresults #wordpuzzle #wordle743
Well that was an ordeal. Another case of running out of letters!
Wordle 743 4/6
Wordle 743 3/6 #wordle743
Row 3 felt a bit speculative but maybe there were fewer options than I thought
Same vibe, only slightly less impressive.
Wordle 743 4/6
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#Wordle #Wordle5 #WordleEN #WordleEnglish #wordle743
Same vibe, only slightly less impressive.
Wordle 743 4/6
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
#Wordle #Wordle5 #WordleEN #WordleEnglish #wordle743
#Wordle #Wordle743 #dailywordleclub Wordle 743 5/6*
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩Getting sweaty.
#Wordle #wordle743 #DailyWordleClub