最后吐槽一下 Mastodon 对字数的 500 字限制,写点稍微长一点的东西就需要拆分。拆分还需要注意不要截断在奇怪的地方让读者迷惑……就算如此被拆分的嘟文在时间线里也是倒序排列,对读者来说很让人困惑……
OK second question of the evening. Is there a word limit on here? #newbiequestions #wordlimit
@albertvilella actually it seems that Mastodon does not have a hard limit for the word count. The server admins can set any character limit as far as I understand. Perhaps @Psy_Fer_ can comment on this? It would be good to increase the limit here to 4,000 as well. #CharacterLimit #WordLimit