➸ Tailor-made monogram for a private event. Designed under the TheTailor.Hall signature.
#monogram #wordmark #bespoke #customtype
#typedesign #typography #typographie #graphicdesign #design
#monogram #wordmark #bespoke #customtype #typedesign #typography #typographie #graphicdesign #design
The Windows wordmark font has changed many times. The original used Goudy. Windows 3 (1990) changed it to Times New Roman. NT 3.5 (1994) introduced Baskerville Old Face. Franklin Gothic was used from 95 (1995) to XP (2001). Since Vista (2006), variants of Segoe UI have been used. #DailyWindowsFact #Microsoft #Windows #Logo #Wordmark
#wordmark #logo #windows #Microsoft #dailywindowsfact
I'm super excited to announce that I've commissioned @spacepupsilver to make a new #logo and #wordmark for the HypnoGuys #Mastodon server! I've already set them up on the server, so you'll see them if you look in the right place.
I was inspired by the way @deeplyasleep customized the Hypno.social server, so I decided to step it up and hire a well-known #kink #artist for the job. Thanks for the great work, @spacepupsilver!
#logo #wordmark #mastodon #kink #artist #hypno #Hypnosis #hypnokink #art
More - Wordmark Logo
#more #wordmark #typographylogo #brandmark #textlogo
#rimongraphics #typographyposter
#more #wordmark #typographylogo #brandmark #textlogo #rimongraphics #typographyposter
Dustin Roman - D R Monogram Logo
#monogramlogo #letterlogo #rimongraphics #dlogo #rlogo #flat #negativespace #lettermark #branding #textlogo #wordmark
#monogramlogo #letterlogo #rimongraphics #dlogo #rlogo #flat #negativespace #lettermark #branding #textlogo #wordmark
E + W + B - Monogram Logo - 3 Letter Logo
#monogramlogo #letterlogo #rimongraphics #3dlogo #3d #wordmark #logoinspirations #bold #gradient #blackandwhitelogo #brandidentity
#monogramlogo #letterlogo #rimongraphics #3dlogo #3d #wordmark #logoinspirations #Bold #gradient #blackandwhitelogo #brandidentity