Morning world. I nearly had a good night's sleep. Nearly.
Yesterday's #WOTD was LOLLOP. Some good funny answers to that. It means flop about, or move in ungainly bounds.
Today's word: ALMONER.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Today's #WordOftheDay on @Dictionarycom is vicissitude
Morning world. It’s a bit cooler this morning. About time, too.
Yesterday's #WOTD was BEVVY. It’s a slang word, a shorter form of BEVERAGE.
Today's word: LOLLOP.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Today's #WordOftheDay on @Dictionarycom is quetzal
Morning world. The promised storm arrived - but a long way north of us.
Yesterday's #WOTD was DEPILATE. It means to remove hair from something.
Today's word: BEVVY.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Today's #WordOftheDay on @Dictionarycom is circumlocution
Morning world. The promise of a storm today. We shall see.
Yesterday's #WOTD was MATTOCK, a tool like a pickaxe with adze and chisel edges as ends of the head.
Today's word: DEPILATE.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Today's #WordOftheDay on @Dictionarycom is sartorial
Morning world. This late summer heatwave is no fun for sleep.
Yesterday's #WOTD was LACUNA, the missing part of a manuscript.
Today's word: MATTOCK.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Morning world. Autumnal mist has hidden the world outside the curtains, colour a thing of yesterday.
Yesterday's #WOTD was PREPONDERATE, to be superior in influence, quantity or number.
Today's word: LACUNA.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Today's #WordOftheDay on @Dictionarycom is jolabokaflod
Morning world. Let’s see, it’s Wednesday. Am I right? I might get the hang of these "week" things eventually.
Yesterday's #WOTD was SUPPLICATE, meaning to make a humble petition to or for something.
Today's word: PREPONDERATE.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Today's #WordOftheDay on @Dictionarycom is extol
Morning world. It should be quiet today. Nothing in the calendar to get in the way of avoiding any work.
Yesterday's #WOTD was ANODYNE, which means pain relieving or soothing.
Today's word: SUPPLICATE.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
Today's #WordOftheDay on @Dictionarycom is crapulous
Morning world. Plumber day. Pensive.
Yesterday's #WOTD was BLAZON, which means to proclaim, or describe or paint a coat of arms.
Today's word: ANODYNE.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
RT @MerriamWebster: The #WordOfTheDay is ‘upbraid.’
Morning world. We might go out again today.
Yesterday's #WOTD was HETERODOX, which is defined by my dictionary as simply not orthodox. 🤔
Today's word: BLAZON.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage
RT @MerriamWebster: The #WordOfTheDay is ‘copacetic.’
Morning world. We might go out today. I know. Scary.
Yesterday's #WOTD was APOTROPAIC, which means to bury a dead person in a way that wards off evil.
Today's word: HETERODOX.
#wotd #wordoftheday #englishlanguage