How about a word puzzle to start your Monday?
Clue for this Wordoku puzzle: In programming, the word is related to measuring the performance of software.
#puzzle #pragprog #wordoku #programming
Check out our Brain Teaser books if you like puzzles:
#puzzle #pragprog #wordoku #programming
Wordoku puzzle with a Go theme, today on Medium:
PragProg Go books:
#wordoku #golang #puzzles #pragprog
It's a bit late in the day to post a puzzle for EnigMarch Day 4, but I hope some folks will give it a try. It's a themed Wordoku puzzle that includes two names related to today's theme, plus a few more related words. Words can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal, and read forwards or backwards. Solving logic is identical to Sudoku. Difficulty level - easy. Link goes to online solving app.
#EnigMarch #Wordoku #Sudoku