Frankenstein's Lover (29/30) #NaPoWriMo
I love you so much I forget things.
Might as well not even have a brain
how much a love you.
Where did I put that?
I don't know.
But I know I love you.
What did I just say?
I don't know.
But I know that I love you.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Frankenstein
#love #frankenstein #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Hope IV (Sonlight) [28/30] #NaPoWriMo
My son says hello to the sun
and the sun speaks back to him.
He asks the sun,
"How was your day?"
And the sun tells him, "It was good,"
and they smile at each other.
Two suns
so giving of light.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Fatherhood
#hope #fatherhood #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo India.Arie (27/30) #NaPoWriMo
Is it time to let you go?
I thought it would hurt more—
with us having been together for so long—
but so far
every time we've said goodbye
I haven't cried.
I haven't felt pain.
I haven't thought
"Oh God,
what have I done?"
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Hair
#hair #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Like Family (26/30) #NaPoWriMo
My fears hold me like they love me.
As if every time we see each other
it's been the longest time
when it's only been
My fears squeeze me tightly.
They wrap their arms around my neck
to the point that I find it hard to breathe.
They never seem to know
when to let go.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Fear
#fear #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Drama Club (25/30) #NaPoWriMo
I am not an incredibly outgoing person.
In high school
my favorite person
told me
that I should attend a
drama club
and I listened.
It was my favorite thing
that I had ever done.
The people.
The laughs.
The donuts.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Highschool
#drama #dramaclub #highschool #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Unknown Poet (24/30) #NaPoWriMo
Skynet hasn't found me yet.
I can continue my vigilante work
spreading my special syntax
to the darkest corners
of the internet.
If people still read poetry
after the apocalypse
maybe they'll call me
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Skynet
#Anonymous #terminator #skynet #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Oblivious (23/30) #NaPoWriMo
And just like that
she was talking to me about
About heaven.
About heavenly fathers
and heavenly mothers.
And all I want to say is
this is a Barnes & Noble.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #God
#Religion #BarnesandNoble #bookstores #Books #god #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Influence; or, I'm An Artist Not a Thief (22/30) #NaPoWriMo
would have no idea—
but you do.
It wouldn't take
too many words
for you to say
"Look at THIS cat,
thinkin' he got my
pen game down pat.
If imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery
consider me flattered,
and pissed off."
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation
#motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Sisyphus (21/30) #NaPoWriMo
What is a god
to a man
with an insatiable will to live
and a couple of tricks
up his sleeve
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Mythology
#Sisyphus #mythology #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo 👍🏾❤️🤗😂😮😢😡(20/30) #NaPoWriMo
I want you to like me.
I want you to like me.
I want you to love me.
I want you to like me.
I want you to love me.
Please, show me that you care.
I want you to like me.
I want you to love me.
Please, show me that you care.
Haha, just kidding.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation
#motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Just Yelp for Help (19/30) #NaPoWriMo
What's all that noise you makin'?
Hollerin' like you're dyin'.
Hush up with all that loudness, boy.
Stop your cryin'.
See I've been tryin'
to be nice,
but my patience is flyin'
out the window, so
if you ain't bleedin'
or pukin'
you must be lyin'.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation
#motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Villain [Villanelle] (18/30) #NaPoWriMo
You know exactly why I am here.
I exist to test you.
I am everything that you fear.
Don't act like my motivation is unclear—
like you don't understand why I do what I do.
You know exactly why I am here.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #Villanelle
#villanelle #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Home Boy (4/17) #NaPoWriMo
Old Man Dillard
or, Good Ol' C Dill,
as he has asked us to call him,
is definitely one of our more unique guests.
We can often find him awake just as the sun rises. On warm days
he likes to open up his windows
and recite poetry to the squirrels.
He often laughs
until his dentures fall out.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation
#motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Your Presence is a Present [Tanka] (16/30) #NaPoWriMo
To me, you might as
well be a celebrity.
Just knowing that you
and I can breathe the same air
always takes my breath away
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Tanka
#tanka #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo This Is Us (15/30) #NaPoWriMo
And who would have thought
this could be possible.
Even me,
with a pen determined to impress,
could not have written a better story
in all my years
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Family
#family #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Rubbernecking [Haiku] (14/30) #NaPoWriMo
If you refuse to
learn from your mistakes then, please
don't mind if I do
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Haiku
#Haiku #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo Just Draw The Damn Bush (13/30) #NaPoWriMo
Stop it.
Stop thinking.
You're acting like
you're going to die
if it's not perfect.
Perfect is bullshit
just draw the d—
Shut up.
Shut up.
I don't care what you think.
Don't think.
just draw the d—
No one cares.
No one cares.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #drawing
#Drawing #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo My Hell (12/30) #NaPoWriMo
It's snowing
it blows and covers my face,
but I am too cold to move,
too cold to wipe the
freezing flakes from my face.
I'm tired,
so very tired.
I try to sleep, but every time my eyelids close
they burst back open instantly,
stinging like they're being stung
by a billion bees.
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Hell
#hell #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo A Laughing Matter (11/30) #NaPoWriMo
The fear
has always been
that I'd be the last one
picked to play,
or, even worse,
never picked to play
at all.
So I needed to be fun.
I needed to be funny.
I walked funny.
I talked funny.
I looked funny.
Because if I made you laugh,
even once,
You couldn't reject me
#poetry #quotes #poet #poem #art #poetrycommunity #writing #poems #writer #wordporn #words #motivation #Laughter
#Funny #laughter #motivation #words #wordporn #writer #poems #Writing #poetrycommunity #Art #Poem #poet #quotes #Poetry #napowrimo