Would be really nice if I could use the new `details` block inside a query loop post template. Looks like you sort of can by adding the post content, but no way to add the post title to the summary section. Would have saved me from making a custom accordion block, oh well.
How to Build Responsive Designs in the WordPress Editor by Extending the Core Columns Block via Full Stack Digital. #WordPressDev https://fullstackdigital.io/blog/how-to-build-responsive-designs-in-the-wordpress-editor-by-extending-the-core-columns-block/
Adding and using custom settings in WordPress theme.json.
https://developer.wordpress.org/news/2023/08/adding-and-using-custom-settings-in-theme-json/ #WordPressDev
This is an excellent overview of WordPress Playground. Worth watching if you have any interest in ephemeral testing of themes & plugins as well as a new alternative to docker for development. I made the switch a couple of weeks ago to using `wp-now` for plugin and theme dev and it's been great (other than having to restart it every so often).
Speedier PHP Execution in WordPress 6.3. #WordPressDev https://developer.wordpress.com/2023/08/24/speedier-php-execution-in-wordpress-6-3/
Troubleshooting WordPress: 502 Bad Gateway Error. #WordPressDev https://wpmudev.com/blog/wordpress-troubleshooting-502-bad-gateway-error/
WordPress 6.4 Roadmap Includes Typography Management Features, New Blocks, and Twenty Twenty-Four Default Theme via WP Tavern. #WordPressDev https://wptavern.com/wordpress-6-4-roadmap-includes-typography-management-features-new-blocks-and-twenty-twenty-four-default-theme
I've tried now in a fresh installation of WordPress and in the WordPress Playground and both seem to provide no way to add a custom post type archive or post to the navigation in v6.2 & v6.3.
I welcome anyone testing here and letting me know if I'm missing the correct way to do it: https://playground.wordpress.net/?plugin=custom-post-type-ui
Using CTPUI create a CPT something like Projects and attempt to add it to your navigation.
Am I wrong, or is it currently impossible to add a link to a custom post type archive page or even a post from a custom post type to the WordPress navigation block? I'm aware a custom link is available, but then it doesn't receive current-menu-item classes.
How to Use the WordPress Command Line Interface – WP-CLI Tutorial.
https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-use-wordpress-cli/ #WordPressDev
Styling WordPress blocks: empowering users with CSS custom properties. https://developer.wordpress.org/news/2023/08/styling-blocks-empowering-users-with-css-custom-properties/ #WordPressDev #Gutenberg
The Learn WordPress team has announced their first course, Developing your first WordPress Block. Loving this direction. https://buff.ly/3KyuJkU #WordPress #WordPressTraining #WordPressDev #WordPressDevelopment
#wordpress #wordpresstraining #wordpressdev #wordpressDevelopment
The Learn WordPress team has announced their first course. Loving this direction. https://buff.ly/3KyuJkU #WordPress #WordPressTraining #WordPressDev #WordPressDevelopment
#wordpress #wordpresstraining #wordpressdev #wordpressDevelopment
WordPress block theme style variation question:
Is there a way to build out a theme style variation for dark-mode, and then be able to trigger that loading on a per site visitor basis, likely through JavaScript with either a toggle or detecting their `prefers-color-scheme` preferences?
Looks like there was some talk around this last year, but it doesn't seem like it went anywhere: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/42828
The First Learn WordPress Course Cohort Will Teach Participants How to Develop Blocks.
https://wptavern.com/the-first-learn-wordpress-course-cohort-will-teach-participants-how-to-develop-blocks #WordPressDev
How to Read WordPress Block Content Programmatically - Igor Benić.
https://www.ibenic.com/read-wordpress-block-content-programmatically/ #WordPressDev
There's a tonne of things in active development with WordPress right now, but I think the thing I'm most anticipating (there's a few github issues in progress related to this) is being able to create block style variations (can do that now), but then have them configurable in theme.json and the site editor (can only be done with variations the come by default).
I imagine being quickly generate all of a sites button variations for example.
Is there a setting in theme.json to instruct WordPress to save colors picked for the color palette as rgb rather than hex? It's annoying right now that you cannot use `rgba(var(--wp--preset--color--custom-primary), 0.5)` as browsers will not convert the hex color in the variable to rgb.
I don't know if I'm just screwing something up or if WordPress block variations with custom icons are meant to lose their custom icons after inserting? I've tried both dashicons and SVGs. It just goes back to the original blocks icon in the document overview list view.
Start Testing WordPress’ New Interactivity API.
https://wptavern.com/start-testing-wordpress-new-interactivity-api #WordPressDev