Anyone good at #WordPress able to help me debug a plugin issue?
I'm trying to set up the #ActivityPub plugin on my #WordPressMultiSite install but it's not showing up via webfinger.
I manually did a GET on the REST API endpoint with the appropriate data but to no avail:
{"code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method.","data":{"status":404}}
Any suggestions?
#wordpress #activitypub #wordpressmultisite
Fixed it. For some reason #WordpressMultisite dropped the /site/1 part from all the image URLs and I had to fix them all using SQL. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again. 😩
Neuer Beitrag: WordPress Multisite Blog-ID zurücksetzen
#ckxblog #multisite #wordpressmultisite #wordpress