I've had this as a pinned tab in my browser for the last year; I considered getting the poster but decided against it in the end. I thought it was worth sharing, though. https://plugintable.com #WordPressPlugin #WordPress
Update today to AdRotate Professional 5.13 which improves and fixes a number of things in the Advertiser dashboard and improves management of advertiser created adverts.
#wordpress #php #ads #advertising #marketing #classicpress #adsense #website #wordpressplugin
#wordpressplugin #website #adsense #classicpress #marketing #advertising #ads #PHP #WordPress
What's the best way to see your #WordPress stats now - #wordpressplugin or something different?
WordPress einfach durch das ActivityPub Plugin mit dem Fediverse verbinden.
#WordPress #ActivityPub #Automattic #bloggen #Fediverse #MatthiasPfefferle #WordPressPlugin
#wordpress #activitypub #Automattic #bloggen #fediverse #matthiaspfefferle #wordpressplugin
@HansZauner hier gab es auch einen schönen Artikel von @ebildungslabor zu dem #wordpressplugin
@Sebastian @pfefferle
Just in time for our New Window Warnings plugin's second birthday, we finally gave it an icon and banner image so people would know it is legit. https://wordpress.org/plugins/accessibility-new-window-warnings/
This is a tiny helper plugin with no settings. Just activate it, and it works like magic. #WordPress #WordPressPlugin #a11y #accessibility
#wordpress #wordpressplugin #a11y #accessibility
I made a newer walk-through of Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker for next week's HighEdWeb Accessibility Summit.
The hardest part of these videos is not explaining how to fix all the things and just focusing on showing the plugin itself. I managed to get it down to 11 minutes. 😅
#WordPress #a11y #accessibility #WordPressplugin
#wordpress #a11y #accessibility #wordpressplugin
SecurityAffairs: Hacking campaign targets sites using WordPress WooCommerce Payments Plugin https://securityaffairs.com/148561/hacking/woocommerce-payments-wordpress-plugin-bug.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #WooCommercePayments #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #WordPressplugin #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #Cybercrime #Wordpress #Hacking
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #woocommercepayments #pierluigipaganini #securityaffairs #wordpressplugin #breakingnews #securitynews #hackingnews #cybercrime #wordpress #hacking
SecurityAffairs: Hacking campaign targets sites using WordPress WooCommerce Payments Plugin https://securityaffairs.com/148561/hacking/woocommerce-payments-wordpress-plugin-bug.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #WooCommercePayments #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #WordPressplugin #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #Cybercrime #Wordpress #Hacking
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #woocommercepayments #pierluigipaganini #securityaffairs #wordpressplugin #breakingnews #securitynews #hackingnews #cybercrime #wordpress #hacking
How do I reset Google #Sitekit in #wordpress, completely?
I've logged into Google Search Console and removed all properties.
I've uninstalled the #wordpressplugin for Google SiteKit and re-installed.
I get Screenshot#1: saying "SiteKit is already setup".
When following the prompt to login to the google account, I get Screenshot#2 saying permissions already exist.
When I click continue: I get an authentication error.
Do I need to clean my #WordpressDatabase?
How do I resolve this issue?
#sitekit #wordpress #wordpressplugin #wordpressdatabase
Are there any “guided tour” plugins for for the backend admin area of #wordpress ? I’ve found many tour plugins for frontend site visitors - I’m looking for something that acts as a guide for new Wordpress Admins to assist with setting up their new website. #wordpressplugin
Yes, I connected my Fotoblog to the Fediverse with the Plugin called ActivityPub what @pfefferle original developed and lastly lead him a Job at Automattic. 😉
Maybe you should start a Blog about the Snapshots you take, blogging about these Photos with just a few Lines added to keep Things started again. 😏
Sometimes you have to start into the Blue before knowing where heading. 😁
#Fotoblog #Fediverse #ActivityPub #WordPressPlugin #Blogging #Photos
#Fotoblog #fediverse #activitypub #wordpressplugin #blogging #photos
Question for #WordPress Users: When activating plugins in bulk - is there a way to prevent individual plugins from hijacking the activation process and redirecting you to their plugin screen?
It's unpleasant and a frustrating time wasting endeavor to revisit the "Activate Plugin" Process 6+ times because of this unnecessary friction. #wordpressplugin
Sicherheitsupdate: Attacken auf #WordPressPlugin #UltimateMember | Security https://www.heise.de/news/WordPress-Plug-in-Ultimate-Member-Angreifer-machen-sich-zu-Admins-9204916.html #WordPress #Patchday
#wordpressplugin #ultimatemember #wordpress #patchday
I used @jeremy 's Nostr Verify plugin for WordPress to verify my new Nostr profile, and explained the process in a short article. I was impressed with how quickly everything fell into place. This is well worth a look if you run a self-hosted WordPress site.
#socialmedia #nip05 #nostr #wordpressplugin #wordpress
Tired of inflation? Want to increase your #WordPress or #classicpress websites revenue?
Take a look at putting ads on your site with #AdRotate!
#promotion #ads #advertising #wordpressplugin #revenue #inflation #workonline #website #passiveincome #adrevenue
#adrevenue #passiveincome #website #workonline #inflation #revenue #wordpressplugin #advertising #ads #promotion #adrotate #classicpress #WordPress
Are you using WooCommerce on WordPress? If so, please check out my handy plugins for it. Surely you'll find something useful to enhance your website.
#wordpress #woo #woocommerce #ecommerce #webshop #website #plugins #wordpressplugin
#wordpressplugin #plugins #website #webshop #ecommerce #woocommerce #woo #WordPress
Did you update to AdRotate Pro 5.12.4 yet? You should if you use Google Analytics - It has a better tracking pixel.
#google #analytics #wordpress #wordpressplugin #ads #advertising #stats #update #wp #php #plugin #bugfix #improvement #website #wordpresswebsite #classicpress
#classicpress #wordpresswebsite #website #improvement #bugfix #plugin #PHP #wp #update #stats #advertising #ads #wordpressplugin #WordPress #analytics #Google
Zwangsupdate: #WordPress-Websites über #Jetpack-Lücke manipulierbar | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Zwangsupdate-WordPress-Websites-ueber-Jetpack-Luecke-manipulierbar-9069974.html #Patchday #WordPressPlugin
#wordpressplugin #patchday #jetpack #wordpress
WordPress got its first release 20 years ago today. To celebrate WP being 20 years old I'm having a bit of a sale.
Get your AdRotate Pro license today for 20% off!
#wordpress #sale #discount #anniversary #promotion #adrotate #plugin #wordpressplugin
#wordpressplugin #plugin #adrotate #promotion #anniversary #discount #sale #WordPress