I never really considered WordPad a word processor.
The more you know.
For the first time in 40 years, Windows will ship without built-in word processor https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/09/microsoft-is-killing-wordpad-windows-28-year-old-built-in-word-processor/
#Windows #WordProcessor #WordPad #Windows11 #Microsoft #TechNews
#windows #wordprocessor #wordpad #windows11 #microsoft #technews
Last night I was up until 3am because I was reading original #documentation of the #wang2200 #wordprocessor. Yes, I have #ADHD, how did you know?
www.wang2200.org is a great find still. 🤩
#documentation #wang2200 #wordprocessor #adhd
#Nostalgia hit me on #WordProcessors when I found that blog entry from @blakespot
#nostalgia #wordprocessors #wordprocessor #retrocomputing
Anyone have any recommendations for cloud storage and online document stuff that isn't going ham into 'AI' or blockchain BS? I have Office & need at least 1TB & easy desktop/ mobile access like OneDrive & I recently started using GoogleDocs & find the default heading/ chapters/ contents thing really stimming, but then I
heard about all the 'AI' shit & I am looking for alternatives, but the sheer number & similar problems is A LOT
#software #WordProcessor #CloudStorage #GoogleDocs #MSWord
#software #wordprocessor #cloudstorage #googledocs #msword
why isnt this #libel or #slander by the corp that wrote the program.
Just because we call a software program #AI should that make a difference.
How fancy does the #wordProcessor have to be before the #corp is excused?
#libel #slander #ai #wordprocessor #corp
Is there any research showing the damage done to typography / page layout / etc. due to people becoming used to the defaults of MS Word and other word processors?
I feel like bad page layout (etc.) is just accepted as the norm because that's what everyone sees and creates everyday.
Compare #WordProcessor output with #TexLaTeX output and the difference is clear, yet seems few people appreciate that. Crappy is "good enough".
#wordprocessor #texlatex #saturdaymorningrant
And another thing . . .
Dear #Unicode Consortium, OS vendors, and #WordProcessor developers.
Fix the #ellipsis situation. #AP styling demands ... (three dots in a row) and #Chicago (#CMOS) . . . (three dots spaced out, but still a single character). Most narrative writers (fiction, memoir, etc.) standardize on Chicago styling.
A character exists to support the AP styled ellipsis. But for Chicago we have to type [dot] [non-breaking space] [dot] [non-breaking space] [dot]. This. Sucks. FIX IT!
#cmos #chicago #ap #ellipsis #wordprocessor #unicode
someone here just posted about freewrite & now i'm looking for sharp font writers on ebay. I DON'T NEED ONE. UGH.
#typewriter #wordProcessor #vintage #tech
#Tech #vintage #wordprocessor #typewriter
Here's some ideas to get out of staring at a blank screen or sheet of paper. As an aside, who still uses a typewriter or dedicated word processor?
#WrtingCommunity #WriterTips #writing #typewriter #wordprocessor
Generating ideas for stories: 10 fun ways (plus prompts)
#wrtingcommunity #writertips #writing #typewriter #wordprocessor
Tavis Ormandy ports #WordPerfect for #UNIX to #Linux
Two ways to run the classic #wordprocessor on a modern #opensource box
#wordperfect #unix #linux #wordprocessor #opensource
It didn't start with Microsoft Word.
#vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #wordprocessor
"You know what? I’m over that nonsense. I’m not going to write in #Word and if you want to collaborate on a #paper or #article with me it’s going to be in #Orgmode, #Markdown, or even #LaTeX but not some brain-dead #wordprocessor like Word."
Irreal: Academic #Writing in #Emacs
#Word #paper #article #orgmode #markdown #latex #wordprocessor #writing #emacs #WYSIWYG
Fireworkz Pro gets a royal update
#ColtonSoftware #Database #FireWorkz #FireworkzPro #Integrated #RComp #Spreadsheet #StuartSwales #Wordprocessor #RISC_OS
#coltonsoftware #database #fireworkz #fireworkzpro #integrated #rcomp #spreadsheet #stuartswales #wordprocessor #risc_os
The following are two FLOSS word processors I've used and liked:
1) FocusWriter
a) Arch Linux official repository package:
b) Developer's website: https://gottcode.org/focuswriter
2) WordGrinder (console-based)
a) AUR package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wordgrinder
b) Developer's website: https://cowlark.com/wordgrinder
#wordprocessor #wordprocessors #wordprocessing
Playdate Handheld Turned Typewriter - The Playdate is an interesting gaming system. It’s a handheld, has a black and whi... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/18/playdate-handheld-turned-typewriter/ #wordprocessor #texteditor #typewriter #3dprinted #keyboard #playdate #console #gaming #games #dock
#dock #games #gaming #console #playdate #keyboard #3dprinted #typewriter #texteditor #wordprocessor
Playdate Handheld Turned Typewriter
#wordprocessor #texteditor #typewriter #3dprinted #keyboard #Playdate #console #gaming #Games #dock
#wordprocessor #texteditor #typewriter #3dprinted #keyboard #playdate #console #gaming #games #dock
The NES Gets its Own OS - Until recently, most video game systems didn’t need their own operating systems in... - https://hackaday.com/2022/09/28/the-nes-gets-its-own-os/ #operatingsystem #nintendohacks #softwarehacks #wordprocessor #nintendo #console #gaming #memory #nes-os #nes
#nes #memory #gaming #console #nintendo #wordprocessor #softwarehacks #nintendohacks #operatingsystem
The NES Gets its Own OS
#operatingsystem #NintendoHacks #SoftwareHacks #wordprocessor #nintendo #console #gaming #memory #nes-os #nes
#operatingsystem #NintendoHacks #SoftwareHacks #wordprocessor #nintendo #console #gaming #memory #nes
@teledyn I attempted to answer your question using 21st century #Wordprocessing software. It resulted in a #Dadaist #CollagePoem #ProsePoem and #VisualPoetry. #Vispo #MastoArt #DigitalArt #AsemicArt #DeconstructedText #AsemicText #Dada #Dadaism #WordProcessor #MassMedia I guess it is how you use the software.
#massmedia #wordprocessor #dadaism #dada #asemictext #deconstructedtext #asemicart #DigitalArt #MastoArt #vispo #visualpoetry #prosepoem #Collagepoem #dadaist #wordprocessing
Putting together technical specifications for a contract today. It's all in #MSWord, but what an awful system that is: too much time fiddling with how it looks, distracting from the text. If only we could use LaTeX or some other text-based system that separates form and content.
#engineering #specifications #contracts
#TestEditor #WordProcessor
#latex #wordprocessor #testeditor #contracts #specifications #engineering #msword