Honorable mention:
#Atari800 - because 40 columns are enough for everyone.
#atari800 #retrocomputing #wordprocessors
#Nostalgia hit me on #WordProcessors when I found that blog entry from @blakespot
#nostalgia #wordprocessors #wordprocessor #retrocomputing
@AmIBlue @whitmad @jnoxon @fuzzychef
When I'm talking about what the future will be with #AI , then I'm talking about what *I* foresee.
I don't know any #HedgeFund Managers, but I have seen a lot of social changes due to new #technology in my almost-60 years.
I've seen how calculators, #WordProcessors , home computers, and the #internet have changed #education , #jobs , & revolutionized our society.
I'm seeing another revolution again right now.
#ai #hedgefund #technology #wordprocessors #Internet #Education #jobs #artificialintelligence #chatgpt
The following are two FLOSS word processors I've used and liked:
1) FocusWriter
a) Arch Linux official repository package:
b) Developer's website: https://gottcode.org/focuswriter
2) WordGrinder (console-based)
a) AUR package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wordgrinder
b) Developer's website: https://cowlark.com/wordgrinder
#wordprocessor #wordprocessors #wordprocessing
A few days back, I set my default typeface in Office to "Calisto MT" and am pleased with how well it's working.
Got the reco from this site, for those looking to ditch Times New Roman (a newspaper font anyway)
#typography #office #timesnewmoanin #amirite #fonts #microsoftoffice #wordprocessors
#typography #office #timesnewmoanin #amirite #fonts #microsoftoffice #wordprocessors