@mikelittle Do you still have any connection to #Wordress? If so could you ask them why on earth they still make it easy to share posts to the #birdsite but not to #Mastodon? I am talking about blogs on the free Wordpress.com site, not a self-hosted or cloud-hosted blog on someplace other than wordpress.com. I understand that if you you are running the Wordpress software then there are addons that will let your readers post to Mastodon, but even there it is not natively supported, you do need to use an addon. But if you are using the free Wordpress.com site for a personal blog, there is no such option (it is possible to hack a share link on older accounts but that option seems to have disappeared for newer ones).
Stimmt, Wordpresser können ihre #Social Butons nun anpassen, auch auf Mastodon verlinken #Wordress #Blog #socialButtons
#socialButtons #blog #wordress #social