normal language: the defendant was at the party when the shooting occured and witnessed many people getting shot
word-salad legalese: the happenstance of the defendent's attendence at the celebratory gathering was seceded by the alleged gunfire and bore witness to a multitude of persons sustaining severe wounds obtained by firearm trajectories
like...what? an english prof would mark these laws down for "excess fluff"
#laws #lawspeak #legalese #wordsalad
#fisherz habe ich tatsächlich erst mit ihrem zweiten Album kennen gelernt und war begeisert.
und da ich ja so einen Vollständigkeitswahn habe, musste ich mir natürlich dann auch die #wordsalad , also die Debut-scheibe holen
Let Us Lettuce. -- in the series Alphabet in the Spectrum of the Rainbow.
#salad #leaf #wordsalad #alphabet #visualpoem #concretepoem #poem #nature #collage #image #experimental #design #vegetable #art #digitalart #color #interaction #josefalbers
#salad #leaf #wordsalad #alphabet #visualpoem #concretepoem #poem #nature #collage #image #experimental #design #vegetable #art #DigitalArt #color #interaction #josefalbers
#ClearingMyMind with some random #freeform text:
I went into #Mastodon and I learnt more about myself.
Or so I said to myself, repeating the mantra again and again
I know more about myself now than I knew before.
My #SelfKnowledge has reached its peak. My #WordSalad has also reached it peak.
I'm on top of mount #SelfInterest it feels good to be up here with all the #StrongWinds blowing in my face
#strongwinds #selfinterest #wordsalad #SelfKnowledge #Mastodon #freeform #clearingmymind
I just accidentally sent a rough draft email to 3 dozen clients that read like #wordsalad. My phone model doesn't offer unsend, so I quickly dashed off an "ignore that, sorry but GREAT news to come" follow up email. 🙄🙄🙄 From now on I'm a) not going to work on business emails at night b) going to always follow my own rule of putting addresses into the Cc field while working on a draft. #arrggghhh
'What is this woman smoking?': Kamala Harris' latest 'word salad'
#biden #kamala #wordsalad
When there is another blue sentence in the tumult of life, another bird may fly by in the chariot. But somehow there is wisdom without flaw or without way, as the mountain rises up and the moon is seen as golden doom.
If I could just get a good word salad going I'd have this day licked.... #WordSalad
as a child of 4 can plainly see this tweet was hermetically sealed in a #2 mayonnaise jar kept on Funk and Wagnall’s porch until exactly 13.5 hours ago #wordsalad #thesauruspetaurus
RT @ConceptualJames
It's called a "deadname" because adopting a trans identity is a ritual of death and rebirth in Queer Gnosticism. Technically, it's a crude, external (simulated) step toward Hermetic ascension to the level of self-begottenness so …
BONUS Award!
The 2022 Interview of the Year goes to Sophia Chan. With, the topic: "Hong Kong's Exit Strategy from the Pandemic"
Interview date: January 27, less than a month before the outbreak; at the time 20.8% of elderly age 80+ were fully vaccinated.
The beauty of art is that someone has buried pieces of thier sins, thier fears and their joys under the surface. When you dig up and reconstruct these bones, you create a fantastical beast that never walked the earth, or if your lucky, a human being who may have felt like you.
#GASen: #HerschelWalker (R. TX), "People Born After 1990 Haven't Earned The Right To Change America"
#Walker #WordSalad follows (at your own risk)
"They think there's somewhere better, and if they know another place that's better than the United States of America, my thing is, why don't you go there or tell me, let me know who that is, because I can tell them right now, there's not."
#GASen #herschelwalker #walker #wordsalad
@arossp That was a wee bit of #WordSalad but I get and agree with wut ye mean
they don't #work as #content because they're distracting and wreck the conversational flow; they don't work as metadata because even if you pile them up at the end the reader is still expecting normal sentences with syntax, and instead they get word salad #wordsalad
" I will give $100 to anyone who can:
a) Watch all 3 clips in its entirety &
b) Explain to me what the fuck is he even saying?!!!