What it means when you say “literally” #Grammar #WordsMatter https://theoatmeal.com/comics/literally
@RonaldTooTall #MomsForLiberty are actually #MaterNazis.
#Truth in labeling.
#momsforliberty #maternazis #wordsmatter #truth
Herrje! Wie sich in mir einfach immer alles zusammen zieht, wenn Leute von "Frauenfußball“, "(Frauen-)Mannschaft" und ähnlich schlimmen Konstellationen sprechen. 😣😣😣
Und dann muss ich mir immer mal wieder eingestehen, dass die Fußballabteilung Mädchen und Frauen des FCSP einfach schon seit Jahren bei dem Thema meilenweit voranschreitet.
Leute, lauft mal schneller, bitte!
#frauenfussball #Mannschaft #Team #FussballderFrauen #wordsmatter
#wordsmatter #fussballderfrauen #team #mannschaft #frauenfussball
Methinks it’s time the 🍊🤡 is put away fo good. #wordsmatter
Texas woman charged with threatening to kill judge on Trump election case https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/08/17/texas-woman-arrested-abigail-shry-threaten-judge/
This needs saying every so often. Neutrality and agnosticism are •not• the same thing. If I’m vendor neutral or platform neutral, I don’t have a preference. If I’m vendor agnostic or platform agnostic, I •literally• have no knowledge of either. #NetEng #WordsMatter
How might you say the house was “involved”? Was there someone else “involved” you might want to mention, perhaps? Just a thought. #WordsMatter
Folks, it is the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, not the American Disability Act, not the Americans Disabled Act, not Americans Disabilities Act, or anything else other than its official name! When folks, especially #media folks, screw it up, it indicates to us that we really don’t matter enough for them to make an effort to get it right! ♿️ #DisabilityPrideMonth #AmericansWithDisabilitiesAct #ADA #DisabledLivesMatter #WordsMatter 👩🏼🦯
#media #DisabilityPrideMonth #americanswithdisabilitiesact #ada #disabledlivesmatter #wordsmatter
How did we arrive at a place where antipathies are often labelled as phobias?
#justsaying #wordsmatter #philosophy
@ccferrie Yes, the framing is so important. I have learned a lot from Barb Chamberlain who has also been bringing this critical message. (at)BarbChamberlain@toot.community
This is one of her talks -- in context of Safe Systems & Vision Zero:
What is improved language instead of "walkable neighborhoods" that includes people who use wheelchairs, other mobility devices?
i know I've seen suggestions, but am not finding those while editing a housing document. Existing language example: "...focusing on creating well-designed, walkable, and vibrant communities."
#wordsmatter #walkable #disability #urbanism
On #MorningJoe @nbcnews Senior International Correspondent Keir Simmons just said that “#Putin faces an election next year” with a straight face. 😯
The English upper lip really IS stiff! 😂
In reality, #VladimirPutin is a dictator, and #RussiaIsATerroristState.
#morningjoe #putin #VladimirPutin #RussiaIsATerroristState #wordsmatter
Decolonizing words:
Image translation:
Top - Citizen of the United States of America
Middle - North American
Bottom - American
Serious question that might expose my ignorance but I ask it with sincerity:
I always write “folks” as a gender neutral term but I see people writing “folkx” a lot and I don’t understand why. I researched its origin on the internet but still feel confused. Is one term more inclusive than the other? Is “folks” not actually gender neutral?
Thank you all for helping me learn and grow.
#inclusivitymatters #wordsmatter #trying #learning #question
#inclusivitymatters #wordsmatter #trying #learning #question
@aristeon89 It is the most accurate word, because a more accurate word does not exist - in the English language. It is not just East/West cultural differences that come into play, but how #XiJingping came into power as opposed to Mussolini or Hitler, for example.
@aristeon89 There is no word in the English language for what #XiJingping is. He is an authoritarian, no question, but came to power differently than Mussolini or Hitler, for example.
I don’t blame #JoeBiden for calling #XiJingping a #dictator. The English language has no single word for what the Chinese Communist Party Leader is. The position is not like the ‘dictated’ authority of Benito Mussolini or Adolph Hitler in what had been democratic countries. 🤔 👉 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna90304
But I am miffed about what he started the offending sentence with: “… when *I* shot down the spy balloon”. That is something #DonaldTheDeplorable would say! 🤦♂️
#JoeBiden #xijingping #dictator #donaldthedeplorable #wordsmatter
A sign that Figma care about language. This post is 💯 language analysis!
#wordsmatter #contentdesign #uxwriting
@GhostOnTheHalfShell @Hey_Beth @Patrickoldhiker @SrRochardBunson ⬆️
#NoLabels is nonsense. Call ‘em #FakeChristians , or #Talibangelicals if they’re open-carrying a #AssaultRifle.
#nolabels #fakechristians #talibangelicals #assaultrifle #wordsmatter
Media literacy is crucial to make sure that truth is understood. Just because somebody says something doesn't make it true. We all need to do our part to vet the information we consume and verify sources.
Thanks, @ThomHartmann for another excellent commentary to how we can survive the assault of entities like FNC.